Hen identification


Dec 18, 2015
I have a hen of unknown breed, and she recently started laying -- I thought this might help with identifying her. I live in central Texas, and when I caught her she had been living feral for a while outside of my school district's admin building. She is orange with black markings, and she is extremely skittish, so I have not tried to weigh her or anything to avoid stressing her. Her eggs are cream-colored (they look more light brown next to store-bought eggs) and so far, she appears to be laying about one a day. I have noticed that she seems much more slender than the sex-linked she had previously shared the coop with, although that could be her youth. Any ideas? Will post pics when I can.
I have a hen of unknown breed, and she recently started laying -- I thought this might help with identifying her. I live in central Texas, and when I caught her she had been living feral for a while outside of my school district's admin building. She is orange with black markings, and she is extremely skittish, so I have not tried to weigh her or anything to avoid stressing her. Her eggs are cream-colored (they look more light brown next to store-bought eggs) and so far, she appears to be laying about one a day. I have noticed that she seems much more slender than the sex-linked she had previously shared the coop with, although that could be her youth. Any ideas? Will post pics when I can
Welcome to BYC! We really will need the photos before we can help to identify her as offering a good ID is more than color - leg color, comb type, facial feathering, etc also factor in and color ID is subjective as "orange" can be anything from buff to copper and that can make a huge difference in possible breed IDs.

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