Hen killed roosters? What to do with hen.

Raccoon! The sucker found a weak spot on the roof. We fixed that, secured the birds last night. Coon again moved the trap and proceed to bust out of hardware wire. Many repairs to get done. Need to get to work. Can't take pictures of the gruesome sight. But, mystery solved! Oh, all chickens survived the night!:D

What I look for with raccoon and opossum attacks is a slobbery look to feathers. Coon then tends to attack neck, back and head while oppossum targets flank and abdomen when trying to make kill.
Yep, raccoon! Sucker keeps pushing trap out of the way, at least the chickens are ok. No eggs yesterday and I think their appetite is a little diminished.
lost 3 to a racoon last week. Sorry for your loss. We haven't had any luck other than a opossum in the trap. We have seen several different racoons, one with 6 babies. They must move. We also have a shot gun by the door. He was very brazen, look at us as he grabbed and killed the last before we could get to him ( I swear he was smiling). My neighbors probably heard me naming him M***** F*****. Mine are 10 week old White Rock
lost 3 to a racoon last week. Sorry for your loss.  We haven't had any luck other than a opossum in the trap.  We have seen several different racoons, one with 6 babies.  They must move.  We also have a shot gun by the door.  He was very brazen, look at us as he grabbed and killed the last before we could get to him ( I swear he was smiling). My neighbors probably heard me naming him M***** F*****. Mine are 10 week old White Rock

I think if this had happened when we were new to this, I would have quit! Too gruesome! Three years and NO losses, with sickness, until this past winter, or predators, until now....we have been very blessed?

I have the same name for my raccoon!

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