Hen Laid Really Strange Object (graphic Pics)

Very interesting... It looks as though an egg formed many many times over the top of itself.. the green center suggest an old yolk and the layer on top of layer of developing shell... Should be a months worth of missed eggs... the last layer gives us the clue... the eggwhite between the layers... She had an egg stuck in her that kept getting formed on top of itself.. why it failed to travel is the question... and will it happen again. Thanks for sharing.. Totally interesting
Only thing, eggs dont smell like raw chicken, even old ones. The smell reason I think part of the hen. Parts of tumors do break off, then maybe coated.....
My guess is an egg roll, or.. sounds even way off base. some times the body can grow a "Foreign body" and just pass it as a terd. MAybe that is what it is. How is the birtd now?? all back to normal?
Egg roll
I know you were looking for answers from people with experience in this sort of abnormality, but it looks as though whatever it is , it is not a common occurance and folks have never seen the likes of such a thing. That's why you are getting so many varied opinions.

My recommendation to you is to take the item to a nearby veterinary school and have a pathologist look at. I would hope they would be able to tell you exactly what the item consists of, whether it's old unpassed egg, tumor or otherwise.
Wait, this is a hoax right? - That's clearly a cheap grocery store eggroll? That certainly didn't come out of your bird...

Great idea!!! Geez that is interesting but I do like the live birth idea... itd be cute... and no worries about incubation and what not ... ok I am done...

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