Hen Making Roo Sounds


8 Years
Sep 12, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I was out feeding the goats and chickens this morning before I went to work and heard a doodle-doo coming from the coop. I thought "what in the world?" I heard a rooster crowing but that was from a nieghbor that lives down the street about a half mile.

I didnt think nothing of it and continued to feed the goats when I heard it again....mmmmmdoodle-doo. I thought "no way!" I am supposed to have 5 hens. I got them as pullets, around 8 weeks old and one or two of them are growing out of their peeping stage. I am hoping that this is just a phase for the hens trying to stretch out their new vocal cords or do I have an unintended roo in the bunch?

I have 4 Doms and 1 RIR (all supposed to be hens). How can you tell a Roo from a Hen at around 9 to 10 weeks of age?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You may indeed have a roo. Hens try to make noises to and in lieu of no rooster the lead hen may be trying to crow.
Pretty weird.
Most pullets would have a really difficult time actually making the complete cock-a-doodle-do.

You have an inter-loper in that batch, I'm afraid.

The Barred birds, like a Dom/BR are very easy to sex. The males get their wattles and red combs first. Their legs are thicker, their stance is more upright, head up. The feathers are "whiter" in over-all appearance, while the pullets are over-all blacker in appearance. The roosters tail feathers will suddenly become splashy and curl in an arc while the pullets remain blunt.

The Reds are bit tougher at 15 weeks, but crowing? That's a dead give-a-way. Sorry.
I dont think it is the Red that is making the noise. I will have some pics soon. I am at school right now so unable to do so. I heard that a hen might try to crow. Is this possible and if so, is it a good thing?
You could have a 'roo in the mix. That said, Doms are easily sexed, so your culprit is probably not a Dom. I will add, I have a GLW hen that occassionally makes a crowing sound, but it is far removed from a real doodle. She only does it once in a great while. She sounds terrible when she does it, and the first time....well, frankly, I thought she was sick. She hasn't attempted a doodle in several months. Maybe she realized how awful she sounded. So, if you hear it again, and it sounds like a real cockadoodle doo, you may have a rooster in the mix. My first batch of chickens were all ordered pullets. I ended up with 1 SLW and 1 GLS rooster. So, mistakes in sexing can happen, even in a respected hatchery.
Fred's Hens :

Oh yes, a hen "crows" but usually, it is very incomplete. She doesn't have the normal ability to fully vocalize the entire call, only a bit of it at once.

I am thinking (and hoping) that this is the case. I didn't hear it this morning when I feed the animals but then I didnt hear the niehbors roo niether.

Julia, I do have 4 Doms and 1 RIR and the Doms all look the same with the rose comb starting to come in nicely. As soon as I am able, I will post pics and let you all have a gander at them.​

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