Hen missing feathers on her stomach

2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
Hi everyone!
I have a hen that has feathers missing on her stomach. Where the feathers are missing she has like a rash type of thing going on. None of the other 5 hens she is in a pen with have this. She isn't in with a rooster. She is very healthy otherwise. No mites or lice or anything. Shes acting normal. Does anyone have any idea whats wrong with my sweet girl? Any advice or help is appreciated. Thanks so much.
Maybe she's molting early? Several of my hens were (and still are) missing those feathers, but I think it turned out that they had mites. I'm sorry, I don't have anything other ideas... :confused:
She might be going broody but Ive never seen her in the nest box and there aren't many feathers in the coop but I could be wrong Im going to dust them for mites tonight. But none of the others have it, and if it were mites wouldn't all of them have it? And its a new chicken house so I don't think its the type that comes out of the wall.... Ive checked her for mites and couldnt find any signs of mites. She might be molting but she just turned one. Should I put something on her rash looking thing where the feathers are missing? thanks for the advice everyone!
I cant get pics to upload. I got a new computer so im trying to figure it out. so I guess I will just try to explain what it looks like in better detail so its very red and doesn't look there are any feathers trying to grow back and it looks like it has a couple scab type things. The patch of missing feathers isn't very long. It didn't hurt her when I touched it. I hope that helps some. Im sorry about not being able to post pics. Thanks for the help!

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