Hen mysteriously died today


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Lamar, AR.
Went outside today to check for eggs about an hour before dark. I noticed one of our White Leghorns laying in the nesting box. When I turned it around I noticed she was dead. She had laid an egg yesterday in fact our three WL usually lay almost every day. She had shown no signs of being sick, ill, tired or anything else that I can think of that might lead you in a certain direction. I do know we only got two white eggs today from them (our only white egg layers). She was 8 months old, she died in the nesting box with what appeared to be a slimy liquid coming from her vent with something that kind of looks like cooked egg whites but very fine in consistency. Anyone have any ideas what might have been the cause of her death? Everyone seems to be doing fine and our entire flock free ranges on our fenced in one acre back yard. It has reached 30 degrees here this week, but they all were excited and moving fine when I let them out at 7:30 am this morning.

Worm your birds. If you have it happen again and you notice their breast area is bony and they are light and sick feeling.... that's exactly it.

Happens randomly to birds all the time because of worms. They show no signs, and if any, they act weak and tired for a couple of hours.
Not sure about the worms?

Worms tend to cause a slow decline and inactive bird over a period of time, weight loss, lethargy and so on. Gape worm different again with clear symptoms more like respritory.

With sudden death, the stuff from the vent and being she was found in the nest box I would think there is a good chance it was some malfunction of the egg laying equipment Also, a defective heart or blood vessel could alway have ruptured during the stress of egg laying difficulties.
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We have a feeling that it is something along the lines of problems due to laying. She was very spry. The three leghorns we have were the guardians of the yard. Every squirrel, rabbit and bird were chased out of the yard due to them. When I let them out in the morning one of them headed straight to the nest area, but she didn't immediately go inside. Since it was cold outside the kids and I never ventured out much during the day.
Sounds like reproductive issues to me, too. A not uncommon cause of unexplained death in layers. If she was fine one day and dead the next it can usually be attributed to laying issues or heart problems. Both are common.
Sorry for your loss.
I'm not ruling out an error in the reproductive system, but 9 times out of 10, without notice, a chicken that dies that goes from full of life to death is generally a situation with worms. You can buy a horse wormer from the feed store, mix it in water and dilute it to the appropriate level for birds and you'll notice they will fill out in the breast area more. Feathers can be very deceiving as far as weight/health goes.

I'd definitely start with worms, as they can LEAD to heart problems and problems in laying. The root of the problem is generally there.

Most chickens have them, even if they manage to not die from them. Food consumption will decrease after worming because they don't have to feed the worms plus themselves, plus you know that they are healthy and will live longer and not have to suffer.
I am not sure I agree.

Bacause most chickens show signs of worms at necropcy does not meen most chickens die from worms. Worms are a stress, yes they can sometimes eventually kill, but far more often they are a just parasite that drags down the host and nothing more.

If a chicken has major health problem worms will only compound it, but the chicken could well fail to the same problem without worms being a factor.

In this case there is just no sign of the chicken being dragged down by a health issue, just sudden death.

Granted, I am all for keeping the worm infestations down in chickens, regualar worming with proven wormers or else use natural methods and test to ensure they are working.
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I've read it in bird magazines, as well as places online. I've also experienced it, unfortunately.

Other than that, I just have a degree in zoology.

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