Hen on to many eggs?


9 Years
Mar 27, 2014
I lost a Blue Ameracauna Roo suddenly. I had two broodies, a Blue Laced red wayndotte and a silkie, quickly grabbed the eggs I knew would be his offspring and we are 2 days away from 21 days. Suddenly the Wayndotte has decided she is done. My poor little silkie is on 12 eggs. I keep finding ones poking out. Am I going to loose these chicks cause she cant keep them warm? I have another broody, should I throw her in there instead. What do I do?
If she's having trouble covering them all, there is definitely the possibility that some will get cold and not make it. If you have a second broody, I would definitely split the eggs between the two. Leave the silkie with as many as she can fully cover, and give the others to your other broody. If your other broody hatches them and is not interested in caring for them, you can always give the chicks back to the silkie.
she just had one half way out from under her and it felt cool. Dang, I feel so bad
she just had one half way out from under her and it felt cool. Dang, I feel so bad
she just had one half way out from under her and it felt cool. Dang, I feel so bad
If it was just for a short time, it's probably fine. I'd just go ahead and split the eggs between them now, to be safe.

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