Hen or Roo? + extra pics


Thunder Snow 2009!
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
The first pic is my Light Brahma, four months old. Do you think its a cockerel or pullet? I don't know when they're adult colors typically start showing.

The second is my Dark Brahma roo peeking from next door. The last is my Buff Orp cockerel, thanks to my friend Kathi.



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Hey country............sorry, I can't help you.but aren't you just loving having the orps.........we call our Buff roo.......mr oaf........ he is big......lumbering , haphazard in the way he runs from other roo...........runs into things all day.........knocks over the hens when trying to "talk" to them........ but is so large and just beautiful............. so glad I got them.........
Well, I know #2 and #3. *haha* I was thinking the LB was a hen, but then the black started stretching between the neck and tail, in pattern. So now I'm thinking it might turn out to be a roo. I hope I can show it.

Looks exactly like my Light Brahma hens.... the roos have much different saddle feathers. Do you love your Brahma? Mine are great!

Heather - I just responded to your other post.
The tail feathers make me think its a hen, much less black than roos. I love my Brahmas! I have a Dark pair, the hen just started laying. So, are the black spots on her back typical?
Hi - the black spots are almost exactly like my hens and pullets. However, this one still may be too young to tell yet - they have fooled me before for sure! But I still say pullet....

:)Maybe her coloring isnt exactly right but the shape of the feathers says shes a she. right behind her wing there the saddle feathers are rounded and not pointed. Also check on her Hackle feathers (Neck) they should be rounded. a cockerels are pointed at around 6-8 wks of age on. She may not be completely mature for another 5-6 months so her coloring could change by then to o..
See how lower on the neck your buff orpington cockerel has pointed feathers? Look for those on the lt brahma and you will know for sure. Brahmas mature slowly so color wont be permanent yet
Thanks for the insight everyone! Now I have to worry because my two banties are hens and the two standards are roos.
The girls will be getting their own pen this spring.

Okie - Is your Orp crowing yet? Mine is getting better at it. He is gettin to be a big boy! He dances with the Dark Brahma next door to him. *haha*

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