Hen or Roo?

Time will tell on your Barred Rocks if they are that or perhaps Cuckoo Marans.

If Marans, the legs should stay grey/white and the patterning will be messy dots...cuckoo.

Barreds should have yellow legs, with at most some black wash down the front for females, and have nice crisp bars.

Both breeds have single combs.

Hatchery stock can vary from standard leg colors, but most of the time they should hold true.

If you happened to get Marans instead of Barred Rocks, it means you should get darker brown eggs...not super dark brown, as most hatcheries don't breed for that, but a nice dark brown, darker than Barreds. You'll enjoy them

Barred are good layers of medium brown eggs. Also lighter than the heavier Marans, which means they are easier keepers (less feed for eggs).

But time will tell...feed stores often get their chicks mixed, so sometimes it is a guessing game for a little bit as to what you actually got.

Enjoy your little brood.


Plymouth Rock
Time will tell on your Barred Rocks if they are that or perhaps Cuckoo Marans.

If Marans, the legs should stay grey/white and the patterning will be messy dots...cuckoo.

Barreds should have yellow legs, with at most some black wash down the front for females, and have nice crisp bars.

Both breeds have single combs.

Hatchery stock can vary from standard leg colors, but most of the time they should hold true.

If you happened to get Marans instead of Barred Rocks, it means you should get darker brown eggs...not super dark brown, as most hatcheries don't breed for that, but a nice dark brown, darker than Barreds. You'll enjoy them

Barred are good layers of medium brown eggs. Also lighter than the heavier Marans, which means they are easier keepers (less feed for eggs).

But time will tell...feed stores often get their chicks mixed, so sometimes it is a guessing game for a little bit as to what you actually got.

Enjoy your little brood.


Thanks for all your comments....

Plymouth Rock

I'm just not convinced that is a Plymouth Barred Rock...the legs are all dark, with pink/white accents...that is Marans leg color. However, hatcheries have been known to be off on leg color...it could very well be a Barred Rock. Time will tell.

Barreds should have yellow legs with some dark, but clearly presence of yellow to come as when they grow they will have yellow legs.

Marans have grey/white/pink legs as chicks and grow into grey/white legs.

Just watch...if you got a Marans by mistake instead of a Barred Rock, you got a more valuable bird as Marans lay darker eggs that are highly prized. They are nice birds.

The Silver Sussex looks right, so does the SLW.

The chick immediately behind the Silver Sussex, pecking the grain, could be a Barred Rock if it has a head dot. Its legs look more appropriate color.

It may just be photo coloring if what I am seeing and what you are seeing is not jiving....the curse of posting photos on the internet.

I'm just not convinced that is a Plymouth Barred Rock...the legs are all dark, with pink/white accents...that is Marans leg color. However, hatcheries have been known to be off on leg color...it could very well be a Barred Rock. Time will tell.

Barreds should have yellow legs with some dark, but clearly presence of yellow to come as when they grow they will have yellow legs.

Marans have grey/white/pink legs as chicks and grow into grey/white legs.

Just watch...if you got a Marans by mistake instead of a Barred Rock, you got a more valuable bird as Marans lay darker eggs that are highly prized. They are nice birds.



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