
In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 10, 2011
Central Texas Hill Country

I'm getting worried that my hen is a rooster. The place I buy them from is only suppose to carry hens but I only started with chickens last years and I have never had a rooster and I'm not sure I can get away with having one. Both of the chickens in the top picture were hatched on Oct 25th, 2011 so they are just over 5 mths old but this one is a lot bigger and the comb and waddle are much larger and all of my other hens legs seem to stop at the bottom of their body. The neck is also much longer than the others. I have not heard any signs of it trying to crow. I know different breeds are different sizes and grow at different rates but I would like my expert backyard chicken members to give me their opinion. It is a Golden Sex Link. Its a beautiful bird. I named it Cinnamon since it looks like some dumped a box of cinnamon on its back. Please let me know what you all think it is.
Thank You!
Beautiful Rooster you have there!
I have to give my roosters away due to where I live. I hope you get to keep him! Not all roosters are incredibly loud. Maybe it'll work out.
Don't know that I can get away with keeping him either.
I hope so, he really is beautiful, its going to depend on whether or not he gets noisy or mean. So far he's doing fine. Hopefully that will continue. Thanks again for the imput.

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