hen or rooster


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
just curious does anyone kn
ow if this is a hen or rooster? it looks like a hen somewhat but the one tail feather makes me think rooster. also crowing too. does anyone know?
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

how can you tell?

His barring is more white then black, barred rock pullets will be more black then white. He has the long, stringy hackle feathers coming in on his neck and it looks like he's starting saddle feathers as well. And his comb. All that added to the fact that he's crowing, well, he's a roo.
yes this ius my other 2 roosters. one is barred and one is only God knows i guess. yea i noticed all thos thin feathers on the back but was so hoping a hen. so now i have these 3 roosters that i hate to get rid of cause i dont want anybody to hurt, eat, fight or be mean to them. and all i have is 3 hens. i know i need to get rid of 2 of the rrosters but i sure hate too
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this rooster doesnt really look like a barred rock is it or is it something else? they were all supposed to be hens. i am talking about the one i thoughy was a hen the black and white one.
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