YA I LOVE U PPL!!!!! thank god if its a hen cuz i really dont want to kill the big thing when my baby gets of age cuz my husband said if my baby is a tom then we're having the other as thanksgiving :( lol i would still eat it but i would be happy about it lol
Usually the BBB's are a commercial breed for the table. I tend to look at them on the same lines as a cornish X chicken.....made for short term growth and then butcher.

I do believe it is a hen also.... one way to tell is the little line of tiny feathers that make a line on the head....

They are friendly ones.....I had butchered some for thanksgiving and they were the nicest gals..... very friendly when they were being raised free range.

Enjoy her :)

i love her lol named her kitty cuz she loves dried cat food lmao cant wait until my lil tom gets of age to join her and make me babies im pretty sure my baby turkey who i named butterball cuz he likes to strut his stuff at me everytime i open the brooder door didnt realize how fast turkies grow he's only 2 weeks old and alredy got alot of his feathers lol
Broad-breasted Bronze hen. No if's and's or but's.

X2. Looks exactly like mine did. Normally, she won't be able to breed naturally (without AI) and may have some health issues down the line. They are basically the "cornish" of the turkey world. Made for eatin' not breedin'. Any other turkey that's NOT a Broad Breasted is a better idea for pets and breeding.
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Looks like a Broad Breasted hen to me too...

Keep an eye on her diet and encourage her to exercize. You don't want to let her get too big too fast, that will cause leg problems. And a BB hen can breed with a standard tom, the problem would be with BB toms being to big and heavy to do the deed.
not really sure what my baby tom is i know he's a mix tho. as for my hen she eats laying pellets just like my chickens and one hand full of cat food but she has to run to me to get it and she LOVES dried cat food lol
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