hen plucking her own feathers out


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
This is not my first go round, I think I had a different hen doing it last year. This one got so bald I put her in a big dog crate in the old birds pen, where no one can peck her, and I'll be darned if she didn't clear her back of new feather growth this morning. Hopefully at least her head feathers will grow back

Before I moved her from the laying hens coop I went out with a flashlight looking for mites under feathers and didn't find any. I use orange oil on the perch now and then, and DE dust in the nest boxes now and then.

is there a way to get her to stop doing this? full molt and dead of winter I think cured my last one. She is getting more to eat in solitary.


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