Hen raised chicks vs brooder


12 Years
Apr 21, 2011
Are there any noticeable differences between hen raised chicks as opposed to chicks raised in a brooder? Such as are they more likely to go broody when the time comes, do they grow at a different rate etc. Just curious.

The differences I have noticed are that broody raised chicks are better foragers, are better at watching out for predators, tend to roost a lot earlier, and are more skittish around people. The broody teaches the chicks that that big human monster is dangerous, so stay away. That can be overcome with treats and such, but it requires more work.

I have not noticed a difference in whether they go broody. How fast they grow depends on what you feed them.
Haha, tell that to my broody! I actually have chicks in both, and the ones with my broody are WAY friendlier right now! I had two hens go broody at the same time, and the one I let raise chicks has always been the sweetest of my hens. She loves people, and happily takes her babies over to me to pick them up, give them treats, and watch them putter around the yard. The babies love to perch on my lap when mama's nearby! Just thought I'd say it REALLY depends on the broody hen you have raise the chicks. Now, if I had let the other hen raise chicks, they would NOT have been as friendly. She is the most skittish and least friendly...which is why I broke her and gave the other eggs

The brooder chicks are really opening up though now that the world of treats has been opened to them. They still run if I reach for them, but if they think I have food they'll flock over to me.
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