Hen Saddles

I got mine from etsy from red hippo studio, i've bought two in the past and just ordered two more. I can't say enough about them, they are wonderful! https://www.etsy.com/listing/190487231/hen-saddle-chicken-apron-with-tail-guard?ref=related-4 You can put in the notes what colors you want. for my EE I got a brown one that matches really good, and a black and white one for my SLW. I only have a photo of the EE with hers on. Don't look at mother the SLW back there, she was molting when I took this photo. This one is 8 x 1.5. I have big birds...

All of my girls wore saddles over Summer. I have a massive BO rooster, and whilst he is gentle with them his sheer weight literally tore the feathers out of their backs and shoulders. That, and the fact that as he was young he was feverishly mounting anything that moved! As each bird moulted, they grew new feathers into the bald patches and now all but one has had their apron removed. The rooster, now a little older, has calmed down a little too!

As far as tips go, I would say (1) It's normal for them to walk backwards, fall over, crawl along the ground commando-style, stand stock-still or flap about like loonies when you put the saddles on. Be patient, and they will settle in after an hour or two. (2) Take a video camera with you as I guarantee you will get some good footage! (3) Check your girls periodically for lice and mites, as they can harbour under the aprons. (4) After a few days or wearing, check the girl's shoulders to make sure no straps are rubbing. (5) If the saddle falls off to the side, you have the wrong size.

Good luck!

- Krista
Aaaawwww, it matches her feathers! How cute!

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