Hen standing on other Hen - New one for me


11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
Northern Cali
I have a flock of 4 at the moment. One 2yr old hen with 3 - 5 month old hens one of which is a bantam. I was out of town for a week and when I got back the bantam had dried blood down it's neck and it looked like it's comb had been beat up a little. I wasn't sure how it got hurt but the injury and blood was dry and old.

This morning I let the chickens out and notice the older one with her hackles up chasing the bantam. I walk over and break up what ever was happening and then finish up the coop stuff I had to do. When I come back out I find this scene. They just stood there like that for a minute or two then the big hen got off and walked away.

What does it mean?


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