Hen started laying and attacked flockmate


7 Years
Jul 4, 2014
Edit: thanks so much for the advice, now that it’s daylight we think she hurt her head on the fence, and will be putting them back together today as well as changing the type of fencing! :)
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My other hen, who did the attacking, seemed upset this morning.
She's upset to be alone, they're creatures of habit.. put them back together.. blu kote is usually irrelevant. My sister and I had plenty of knock down drag out bloody fights as raging hormones set in. I keep roosters.. who sometimes have disagreements.. they still go to bed together at night.

Did you SEE the attack or other interaction that verify it wasn't a visiting predator or simple accident gone awry?

Interestingly.. Brahma are known to be docile.. and Orps.. can be a bit bossy among a flock. Are you able to post photos?

Soldier fly larvae are actually not the best choice to increase protein and are fairly high in FAT. Using a flock raiser or grower would be better choice.

Hope your gals reunite and live happily ever after! :fl
I agree with the question how sure are you that your Brahma is the one that did this? A very godo question.

It is possible that your Brahma did this. Even with only two one of them is the boss hen. Not sure what you've seen regarding this in the past. When they start to lay is a time that they may be maturing. One possibility is that your Brahma matured to the point that she wanted to be flock master, even in a flock of only two chickens. But that is only one possible explanation.

What do you do? My suggestion is to try putting them back together and see what happens. Base what you do on what they do. You may need to isolate or at least separate for a while. There are different things that might have caused this. There is no way to be sure of how they will act in the future. Only they can tell you.

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