egg laying behavior

  1. D

    My chicken’s stopped laying eggs

    So all of the sudden my chickens have stopped laying eggs. I have 8 hens 2 roosters a duck and a goose. They all live happily together in the same coop. Has been that way for 2 years. Then 3 of my chickens started brooding so they stopped laying one of the brooders killed one of the others for...
  2. N

    Unusual behaviour favorelle

    Hi all! The last 2 or 3 days I have realised that my 7/8 month old favorelle has been has been venturing off to "lay". She free ranges along with my other hens. But when I go to check her new spot, there are no eggs. I had a feeling she might have been egg bound.. because maybe she was trying to...
  3. Newchickadventure

    I got my first egg!!!

    My 19 week old Rhode Island Red just laid her first egg. I’m so excited! This is my first time raising chickens. I don’t know much, but I was thrilled to see an egg when I went to check on them this morning. I have nesting boxes, but she decided to just lay it on the coop floor by the food bowl...
  4. youngbirdmom

    1 Year Old Speckled Sussex Not Laying

    My speckled sussex is a little over a year old and I am almost positive she has never laid an egg. It wasn’t until 2 or 3 months ago that she started turning red but she is nowhere near as bright as my other hens. Recently when outside and I’m by the run she will come to a corner near me and...
  5. MaybeMay

    Hen has only ever laid 1 egg in 7 weeks. Help!

    Hello everyone. I have an odd situation going on with my blue Australorp Blueberry who is nearly seven months old. She laid her first egg just over 7 weeks ago and has not laid since. We did have to take her rooster buddy away a couple days afterwards as he finally started to crow and we can’t...
  6. PancakesMom

    When should I break my broody Muscovy?

    New to this community! I have a 10 month old Muscovy named Pancake who is on her first egg laying/ broody cycle. We have a lot of Muscovys in the area and we found Pancake as an abandoned hatchling and could not bear to leave her behind so we took her in. She is mainly an indoor bird but we do...
  7. Countryhippie

    Double Yoke Eggs

    Hello everyone. I had a quick question regarding double yolk eggs. Every time I get an egg from one of my hens they come out with two yolks. Is this okay for her or is it going to hurt her? I was just wondering if there was something I was doing or feeding them that causes this? I do feed my...
  8. K

    White leghorns not laying

    I have 3 white leghorns in our mixed flock, they are a year old. we have only had about 10 eggs from all of them. It is easy to tell as they are the only white egg layers :-) All the chicks are normally free ranged in the PM so thinking the leghorns may be laying outside of the coop we have been...
  9. F

    Secret Nest is Now Out of Bounds - What Can I Do?

    My four ex-batts have been with me for a little over a month now, in that time they've started roaming and it's been lovely to see them build their confidence. Bit of background; I live on a rural lane and one of my neighbours also has chickens who have always been free range. So I didn't...
  10. Stephoney

    Hen Interrupted Laying

    I opened a coop today to clean it and found my salmon faverolles, Phyllis, laying in the nesting area. I quickly apologized and closed the door. Normally, she would have just ignored me and kept laying, but for some reason she came out a minute later and started to squawk like she’d laid her...
  11. MomsterT

    When will hen start laying again after mothering?

    I have a silkie hen who went broody in the fall. She hatched 7 of the 9 on November 7th-9th and raised them fantastically. I let dad into the coop approx 2 weeks old to introduce him and see how he did. The stepped in and helped raise and protect them (super surprised at that). My worry is that...
  12. Stephymonster

    Hen started laying and attacked flockmate

    Edit: thanks so much for the advice, now that it’s daylight we think she hurt her head on the fence, and will be putting them back together today as well as changing the type of fencing! :)
  13. rach032785

    Laying eggs NOT IN NEST BOX

    Hi - we have 4 ladies who have been laying for over a month. Last week, we noticed them laying sometimes in their nesting box but also in the tray in their roosting poop box, not sure if they’re roosting when it’s laid or if they are sitting in the sand. since Sunday - they are not laying at all...
  14. Maryam.

    Reducing laying in ducks

    Hey, Is there any way to reduce laying in ducks? My duck has been having laying issues for months now and no vet could diagnose or help her, and unfortunately hormone implant is not an option where I live. She’s been through a lot of courses of antibiotics and it’s not calcium deficiency. I...
  15. C

    Chicken laid an empty egg ?

    Hi Guys, My Barnevelder laid a small empty egg the other week (3 weeks ago), no soft shell egg just a mini egg with nothing inside. Since then she has not laid again, sometimes I see her going into the next and sitting in there for a while but doesnt lay anything! Is this normal? I’m not 100%...
  16. BuffBrahmaDramaMomma

    Redd is having trouble laying help

    Redd has been in her coop trying to lay I took her out for playtime and she went right back inside to attempt to lay again She’s tucking a fake egg under her BUT NOT LAYING
  17. Quailberries

    Pullets squawking all winter?

    My four EE pullets are showing signs of POL- squatting, rapid comb growth, egg laying song practice, it's all there. I was told they wouldn't lay until spring because of the lack of sunlight, and while I can be patient for the eggs, I REALLY can't wait for the egg laying ballad rehearsals to...
  18. spiritpots

    Chickens kicking out straw of nesting boxes

    I hope someone can give me some insight into why my chickens keep removing the straw from their nesting boxes, which they have been doing for the last couple of weeks. I have three 18 month old chickens who are currently not laying (they just finished molting and we only have 9-1/2 hours of...
  19. oystercrackers

    Easter Egger Laying Prediction

    Hello, I'm Wondering about the signs for egg-laying. I know its mostly squatting, red-faced, and hanging around the nesting boxes but I haven't been able to tell for any except the hanging around the nesting boxes. My EE has been doing that lately. I Have a picture of my EE, but I can't...
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