Reducing laying in ducks


Dec 22, 2017
Is there any way to reduce laying in ducks?
My duck has been having laying issues for months now and no vet could diagnose or help her, and unfortunately hormone implant is not an option where I live.
She’s been through a lot of courses of antibiotics and it’s not calcium deficiency.
I would be grateful if you could help me
its hard to fight nature! I use 6000k lights in my coop to get my birds laying, more daylight per day usualy increases or starts laying. Like how the days are longer in the summer than in the winter. So the only way I can think of besides hormones would be to greatly reduce her explosure to light

Unless @Miss Lydia knows of a good way
its hard to fight nature! I use 6000k lights in my coop to get my birds laying, more daylight per day usualy increases or starts laying. Like how the days are longer in the summer than in the winter. So the only way I can think of besides hormones would be to greatly reduce her explosure to light

Unless @Miss Lydia knows of a good way
Thanks! I will do that for her
When a duck is having egg laying problems it has been said put them in a dark room to keep them from laying but I don’t think that would be much of a life for a duck. Can you tell us all you are feeding her?
Thanks 🙏
Chicken pellets, oats, wheat, chia seeds, vegetables, some of the fruits, mealworms, sometimes fish and occasionally boiled eggs. I have reduced the eggs though, in order to reduce the laying.
Do you know at what age will they stop laying ?
I did some research and I figured the hormone some vets use in the US is called Suprelorin. That hormone can not be found in Iran, but a vet mentioned Medroxyprogesterone yesterday.
Does anybody have any idea what that is? Have you ever heard of it?
I have no idea how this works in a duck to stop laying but your vet should be able to explain it.
I have checked the website but haven’t find any tests on animals case, which is terrifying
Is there any way I could ask a vet in the US to send suprelorin for me? I mean I have no idea how the medical system is there but do they give the medications if they haven’t seen the pet?

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