Hen Suddenly Died

I think it is somewhat common , there are a lot of posts similar to yours. Im so sorry for your loss and especially for your children šŸ’”
I think you are right. I've been looking through this thread, and I've noticed a lot of people saying they are experiencing the same thing. I appreciate your kind words ā™„ļø
Iā€™ve had the same thing happen this week and lost four girls. No warning or issues. The rest are fine. Like you described, legs and neck stretched out. No strange poop, drinking, eating and laying until whatever killed them started.
That definitely sounds like a necropsy by the state vet is in order. Heat, a toxin or poison, mold getting into feed from moisture, could be possible. How old were they? Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. In what state are you located? Sometimes a home necropsy can point to a cause of death if you take pictures of the organs and post them here. But the state vet can do a thorough one with histology and cultures, as well as looking at the organs. I have lost young birds before under 6 months to a year for no apparent reason. Heart or other organ problems, or a reproductive disorder might be an issue.
Thank you for your kind words. I live in Ohio. I was thinking of posting pictures on her because I saw a few other people do it. Just curious, what breeds did you have that died under 6 months?
My cockerel was 6 months and a salmon faverolles. I lost a barnvelder hen right at one year old. It can be a common thing to lose a chicken occasionally. To lose several within a week, as the other poster, sounds like a toxin, heat, or infectious illness.
That definitely sounds like a necropsy by the state vet is in order. Heat, a toxin or poison, mold getting into feed from moisture, could be possible. How old were they? Sorry for your loss.
6 months. The others are fine. It could have been heat. 108 heat index for a week. Water changed at least every two hours, fans in coop and run (both in full shade), electrolytes for the water, wet down half the run to help cool down, etc.
I almost lost a fifth one but have managed to nurse her back to heath. She was refusing to eat or drink. I started giving her sugar water alternating with water every two hours at a rate of 12 ml each time. The next day, she started to eat some and started to drink on her own. She is up and about now eating and drinking. Iā€™m almost convinced at this point that the losses were do to heat exhaustion (stroke). After a lot of research, if I could go back, I would have did the water soak in cool water. Until I read today that that is a safe way to treat the problem, I would have done that. It may very well have saved them.
My four month old Plymouth Rock just suddenly passed. I found her this morning. She was fine yesterday. I found her on her side, and her legs were stretched out with her eyes closed. No sign of an injury, the ground around her was undisturbed, and her eyes and beak were clear with no crusty stuff in them. This is my first time owning chickens. What does it sound like to you? Help! They had plenty of water and food. She was laying in her coop. So, she wasn't in the sun and it's not real hot out.

Since this is my first time owning chickens, I'm learning as I go. Considering I have had her for her entire 4 months of life, and I have never noticed her acting strange, I'm assuming she could of ingested something somehow? Or maybe a heart attack? Could the bigger chickens have done something to her on accident to cause some type of internal bleeding? My 7 year old found her with me. This is her first time ever losing a pet along with my 6 and 3 year old.
I had a plymouth barred rock die suddenly in the coop no apparent illness or injuries she was the picture of health. Just went in the small brooder coop and wouldnā€™t come out yesterday and died overnight. I have had a guy working on some timbers near by they were oiling them woth linseed oil, maybe it was the fumes? No way to know. I have had chickens a few years now thia ia the first unexplained death. Poor chickie. Like others say no way to know just by looking.

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