Hen Suddenly Laying Less

I have four hens who are producing eggs. My RIR and ameraucana lay faithfully - 4-6 eggs per week. My two Buff Orphingtons slowed WAY down - 2 eggs a week each, or less. Not egg bound, but scraggly looking, so I figured - Molt. I am back to three eggs faithfully, so one of them has started to lay again, or both, just not as many eggs. It's picking up, though. I think it's the summer heat and potential molting that is affecting mine.
Its pretty easy to see who eating their eggs. Put an egg on the ground and see who like it. If one starts eating them they all end up eating them. Put golf balls in the nest the helps stop them if there new egg eaters. If they have been doing it for a while you could put mustard in the eggs and one taste of that they will normally stop or you can put food coloring in the eggs and the egg eaters beaks with be colored. Hope that helps! :)
There are multiple possibilities.

Is she molting?

Do they free range and she's maybe laying in a new secret nest?
Keep them locked in the coop for a few days or at least until mid afternoon.

Have they had a scare like a predator intrusion? Snakes, rats, squirrels can steal eggs.

Has there been any other changes to their coop/run?

Are they eating her eggs?
This might be hard to ascertain as they will eat the entire egg, shell and all, but you might find a wet spot of egg white in the nest or elsewhere.( I just found one of these this morning...little stinkers!)
That was my first thought.
Most deficiencies and diseases in chickens result in a decline of egg production. In the absence of disease now or in the past a well balanced layer mash or pellet with all the essential vitamins and minerals is the best thing you can do for your chickens. Keep it simple and go easy on the treats.



If you read through these deficiencies the most common symptom is drop in egg production.
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when my hens started laying less than usual and nothing seemed out of the ordinary as to why, I made sure they were getting their 'grit' with their food everyday and almost immediately they would resume their laying without any other changes. This happened more than once, so I feel there is a definite/probable link. We had 3 hens and most days they would lay 1 egg a piece. try that and see if it helps :)
My entire flock of 9 month old black sex links have almost totally shut down in a matter of a week. I've gone from 4-5 dozen eggs a day to 4 eggs a day. I figure its either day length or prep for moult. Temperatures have been mild so its not the heat. I'm going to try supplemental lighting.
I have a lovely Easter Egger hen who is just over 16 months old. She is typically my most faithful layer of the small flock that I have. Over the last week and a half or so she has only produced 2-3 eggs. She usually lays 5-6 times a week. Our summer has been incredibly mild here in Missouri, so I cannot really contribute it to heat. My other two that currently lay are doing so "normally". Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be effecting her? I'm not trying to be unrealistic or unreasonable, as I am thankful for the little that she is still laying. It is just very unusual for her. Thank you for any input.
She may be going into molt mine are doing same thing
Every time I've thought this was happening, it turned out that they were laying somewhere else. If your hens free range at ALL, search the area very thoroughly for a hidden nest. Look in spots that seem to small for a chicken to even get into. If possible, spend some time with them while they're ranging, and watch this girl closely-- see if she disappears into any dark corners or underbrush.

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