Hen Suddenly Laying Less

The wire is one inch square or the next size up rectangular. The hole was already there. Sad story the previous owners had left the rabbit's to die...which is what happened when they abandoned the rabbit's and the house they were living in. I gave the rabbit's or what was left of them a decent burial when the owner of the house said I could have the hutchs. The rabbits had tried to cut their way out before they died....it makes me upset to think about it.
The hole is just big enough for an egg the edges I bent down so as not to hurt the chickens. I have a board that covers the whole floor come winter so I can put in bedding.
when my hens started laying less than usual and nothing seemed out of the ordinary as to why, I made sure they were getting their 'grit' with their food everyday and almost immediately they would resume their laying without any other changes. This happened more than once, so I feel there is a definite/probable link. We had 3 hens and most days they would lay 1 egg a piece. try that and see if it helps :)
We are new to this, what do you mean by "grit"? We are currently feeding laying crumble. Thanks!
We are new to this, what do you mean by "grit"? We are currently feeding laying crumble. Thanks!

Chickens have a gizzard, this means that they eat rocks and sand that go down into their gizzard and grind their food, so basicly, they chew after swallowing... weird I know... Domesticated chickens that don't have access to be outside free ranging need grit to be supplied, this can be purchased and put in a separate feeder for them to grab when needed, can be in the form of a couple shovel fulls of sandy/gravely dirt, or if they have a dust bathing box with sand in it, they will get their grit from there. Laying hens should also have access to calcium that they can get free choice, this can be ground up egg shells, bone meal, or purchased pieces of oyster shells.
Thanks for that info! We do give them oyster shell but not grit so even though they have a fairly large run with lots of different stuff in it they may need more.
If your birds have access to dirt/sand, you don't need to supplement grit. If they don't, or the dirt is poor quality, then some sand will do.

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