Hen very sick but still eating & drinking

She's aliiiive!

I'm very happy to report that Wanda is eating and drinking again (started late last night, continuing this AM). 

She has even sort of stood up a couple of times, then sat back down.

She seems happy to be inside for now.

We'll see how the day pans out, but so far I'm optimistic.  :)

That's great!

The diarrhea is gone! So the epsom salts in her water, and/or the amoxy took care of that.

So far so good!
Go Wanda go. Hope she pulls through for you.


Perhaps I should tell you why they're all named Wanda.

Before we had a larger run, we would let them all out to run around just before dusk (supervised). All but one would head off in one direction, but one of the girls always went the other way and wandered quite far. So I called her Wanda.

Then one night I said to my husband, "If someone like a coyote comes along, she'll be the first one to be 'et'" (I was joking).

He replied, "Or the last!" lol!

Anyway, I couldn't tell them apart, so I just named them all Wanda. So there ya go.
That naming strategy makes perfect sense to me. A flock of Wandas sounds like a happy, playful flock to me :)

All of mine have names based on their colors.

Two Golden Comets=="The Goldies" (I can tell them apart because one of them is the lowest in the flock and sadly always looks a little picked on- though she is always in great spirits and continues on like an annoying little sister, even though the others put her in her place constantly)

4 Golden Laced Wyandottes are called "The Deacons," because they are black and gold, which are the school colors of Wake Forest University (where my husband went to school), whose mascot is "the Demon Deacon." Over time, I've actually been able to tell them apart since their feather patterns are actually quite a bit different (some are very copper in their breast feathers, others are much more yellow than gold)

Then we've got "Black and White" (Barred Rock) and "Red" (Rhode Island Red).
That naming strategy makes perfect sense to me. A flock of Wandas sounds like a happy, playful flock to me :)

All of mine have names based on their colors.

Two Golden Comets=="The Goldies" (I can tell them apart because one of them is the lowest in the flock and sadly always looks a little picked on- though she is always in great spirits and continues on like an annoying little sister, even though the others put her in her place constantly)

4 Golden Laced Wyandottes are called "The Deacons," because they are black and gold, which are the school colors of Wake Forest University (where my husband went to school), whose mascot is "the Demon Deacon." Over time, I've actually been able to tell them apart since their feather patterns are actually quite a bit different (some are very copper in their breast feathers, others are much more yellow than gold)

Then we've got "Black and White" (Barred Rock) and "Red" (Rhode Island Red).

I love it! We have a very precocious cat named Goldie, so it's a great name. Definitely the annoying sister type to my other indoor cat.

And yes, they're usually a very happy fun flock. :)

I eventually figured out that my Wandas have different eye colors. But I've never gotten around to figuring out and naming who's who.

She's still holding her own, seems happy and no longer in pain. Still mostly laying down, but more bright eyed than I've seen in a while. Yay!
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Yes, that's pretty much how she was looking.

Earlier I gave her about 100 mg of the Amoxy in a little canned cat food, which she gobbled up.

Tonight I thought she was a goner - still outside, lying in the rain while the other Wandas were inside. It wasn't until I poked her with something that I realized she was still alive!!

I wrapped her in a towel and brought her inside, gave her a light blowdry, plus offered a little canned catfood and some water (neither of which she has touched yet). I'll be sure to put some layer pellets in overnight in case she wants her regular food.

We'll see how she does through the night.

let her eat the grass and give her squished tomatos, but in around a week she might pass, give her time, but I think that she might need to go
let her eat the grass and give her squished tomatos, but in around a week she might pass, give her time, but I think that she might need to go

Thanks, jgoldy. We'll see how she's doing tomorrow. Today was better earlier in the day, not as good later.

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