Hen with infected earlobe, looks similar to bumblefoot

TX Chick Noob

DH says I'm obsessed with my chickens 😂
Premium Feather Member
I have a Welsummer hen that is just over a year old. I noticed today she has one earlobe that is swollen, and the back side has a round white dot that seems almost like a plug. It looks a lot like pictures of bumblefoot I have seen.

I’m not sure how to treat it. It would be hard to bandage in that area. Any recommendations?
The video was very helpful, even though Speedy’s abscess is in the earlobe instead of an actual ear infection.

I cleaned it out as well as I could this morning, and will monitor it. I got some Vetricyn gel into it to try to soften up any little bits that are remaining. This afternoon I will probably try to get some Neosporin (without pain relief) into it. Here are some pics.

Applying warm wet compress

Partially cleaned out

What I got out. Wish I could have gotten it in a single clump but couldn’t without cutting the opening larger.
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No, there's not a hole in the earlobe. But the infection does make it look like that doesn't it. (Like there should be).
Yep, the infection made a nice perfect hole in the earlobe. Most likely a pecking injury. Unless they were trying to get pierced ears for the latest fashion trends. 😅
I have been trying to get pics, but she isn’t cooperating very well. Here is the best I have managed.



It is on the back of the earlobe. She isn’t showing any other symptoms. I looked at the link posted for ear canker, and also googled it and checked some other sites. Seems more like an injury to me, probabaly from being pecked. It is very hard.

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