Hen with no skin from rooster claws


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
I was given 3 fairly tame roos, and they are not human aggressive, but my smallest americauna hen has deep gouges, through the skin on her back. She hid from them so thoroughly today I thought a hawk carried her off, tonight I went out to check the coop and take food and saw the claw marks on her back, she was on the bottom rung having waited til the rest all went to roost before coming in. I dumped peroxide on them. Besides penning her up in a dog carrier with food and water and straw is there anything else I should do for her? (besides getting rid of 2 roosters, something I will do in a few minutes)
You could make her a saddle or apron, rather easily, especially if you can find a scrap of sweatshirt fabric or polarfleece (got an old shirt?) A few snips of the scissors and she'll have a jacket for as long as she needs it, giving her a chance to heal and still be with her buddies. I have made several out of polarfleect make them like the one on the right in this pic, but I don't even bother with the tail hole, only the two wing holes. Or you can get fancy and purchase one from our BST section, if you don't sew and want a nicer looking one..
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If the rooster will let you can file or trim his spurs with help of course grandmother used to saw hers off here rooster a with a small metal cutting saw sounds worse than it is
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I have 3 roos 5 hens on the lot. The hens are my older birds that don't lay as often. The pen on the lot does not have a roof and is not weasel proof and while weasels are rare, the risk is more than I am willing to take with my dozen young layers. They are safely in the back yard pen.

. Not the lead roo, but the 2 juniors, will tackle a hen first one, then the other will knock him off, the older hens peck and defend themselves, but the injured hen is my smallest hen and she sees a roo looking at her and runs to hide.. A hawk trying to take her would have succeeded, she isn't a large hen

I've seen them do this repeatedly. I am looking for homes for the 2 junior roos and if no home appears I have a freezer
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