Hen with sour crop - how to treat with Nystatin CREAM?


8 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hudson, WI
I have a hen inside in a wire dog crate in my basement. She started with an impacted crop and that has cleared but has left her with a sour crop. It's like a small water balloon. I have withheld food for 24hrs and given only water. I have Nystatin cream on-hand (it was mine) and I also have a good probiotic (Florajen3). How do I give the Nystatin and the probiotic? Do I mix them with applesauce (which I read was good for sour crop)?

Besides her crop issue she is alert and moving around. She's drinking water and she is pooping - but very small poops.
Here is the thread on the monostat, is your cream the internal or external cream? Say like monostat suppositories come with an external cream. That is not what you want, you want the internal suppositories or the internal cream.

I would mix it with some food, applesauce is probably fine, or baby food. or mixed in with some mash, but not alot you want her to eat the full dose.

When I treated mine, I did the suppositories, 1/3rd of a suppository, 2 times a day, for 3 days (I had to cut it into little pieces and feed it to her). I do not know the amount of cream you would give per dose. The thread I linked to is very informative and If you ask a question there, i'm sure people will answer. I think there were people on there who used the cream as well.

Good luck, it saved my girl!
Here is the thread on the monostat, is your cream the internal or external cream? Say like monostat suppositories come with an external cream. That is not what you want, you want the internal suppositories or the internal cream.

I would mix it with some food, applesauce is probably fine, or baby food. or mixed in with some mash, but not alot you want her to eat the full dose.

When I treated mine, I did the suppositories, 1/3rd of a suppository, 2 times a day, for 3 days (I had to cut it into little pieces and feed it to her). I do not know the amount of cream you would give per dose. The thread I linked to is very informative and If you ask a question there, i'm sure people will answer. I think there were people on there who used the cream as well.

Good luck, it saved my girl!

The Nystatin Cream I have was used for a yeast infection during breastfeeding - so it was safe for my baby to have internally I would think it would be safe for the hen too? Maybe I will try mixing a pea sized amount into a little bit of applesauce and put a little of the probiotic powder with it.
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Sorry, I do not know if the Nystatin is the same as Monostat so I can't really help with that... I would think if it was safe for a baby it should be safe for chickens in small doses, but I don't know if it will get rid of the issue
I'm not sure i've heard of nystatin being used for this? It would be better to ask on that other thread, someone there may have used it.

Get her on probiotics right away as well, whatever you decide to do. You need to rebuild the good bacteria in her crop.
The Nystatin Cream I have was used for a yeast infection during breastfeeding - so it was safe for my baby to have internally I would think it would be safe for the hen too? Maybe I will try mixing a pea sized amount into a little bit of applesauce and put a little of the probiotic powder with it.
hi, i realize this is a super old thread but i was wondering if you ever had success with this?
Here is the thread on the monostat, is your cream the internal or external cream? Say like monostat suppositories come with an external cream. That is not what you want, you want the internal suppositories or the internal cream.

I would mix it with some food, applesauce is probably fine, or baby food. or mixed in with some mash, but not alot you want her to eat the full dose.

When I treated mine, I did the suppositories, 1/3rd of a suppository, 2 times a day, for 3 days (I had to cut it into little pieces and feed it to her). I do not know the amount of cream you would give per dose. The thread I linked to is very informative and If you ask a question there, i'm sure people will answer. I think there were people on there who used the cream as well.

Good luck, it saved my girl!
You can buy Nystatin for oral thrush over the counter from the chemist but don't say it's for your chicken or the won't sell it to you they'll make you go to the vet. Dose 1ml twice a day on an empty crop. If crop is full you need to empty it look up how to empty a chicken crop there are video's.
I have a hen inside in a wire dog crate in my basement. She started with an impacted crop and that has cleared but has left her with a sour crop. It's like a small water balloon. I have withheld food for 24hrs and given only water. I have Nystatin cream on-hand (it was mine) and I also have a good probiotic (Florajen3). How do I give the Nystatin and the probiotic? Do I mix them with applesauce (which I read was good for sour crop)?

Besides her crop issue she is alert and moving around. She's drinking water and she is pooping - but very small poops.
I ordered medistatin for my lil BB bantam rooster. Its a powder no good dosage on label for1 smallroosrer. Does anyone know how much powder to give him aday an how please send me a text 832 458 4410 i afraid i wint be able to find this link again an i need help .tu

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