Hens are ready for their permanent house and we are behind schedule.

Blue prints look great! Those chicks will be happy. If you can find something with an open bottom I bet they would love to peck at the ground. I would let them outside a bit so they get used to the noises and natural temp.
OK, so you are say (that you know our 6 hens now 12 weeks old that are presently in the daylight basement) need to get out side (covered) an hour or so a day now to acclimate so I can put them right into the new home when we are done? I hadn't even thought of this so thanks!

Right now they have a large area to get out in a few hours in the morning to run around and then back into their pen. The basement is going to need a massive cleaning job after this. It's a cement floor. Yes, it's not pretty. Thank goodness for Sweet PDZ.
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My chicks are 4 weeks old and have most of their feathers. I was a bit worried about putting them outside but the loved it. They pecked at the hound getting the bugs. I don't use the grit so instead I dig up some grass flip it over and they peck at the dirt for sand and small rock for breaking up food. The first time I let them out until I heard a distress call. After that they wanted to stay out all day. Your chicks are older though.
When I let them out I used a kids gated play area, got a fitted sheet with some cloths pins to attach to gate. This covered it so they couldn't leave. I made sure the had plenty of water and food and medicine the temp was good. They love it! After all that is their place. Plus they get used to different sounds and smells.
OK, so you are say (that you know our 6 hens now 12 weeks old that are presently in the daylight basement) need to get out side (covered) an hour or so a day now to acclimate so I can put them right into the new home when we are done?   I hadn't even thought of this so thanks!

Right now they have a large area to get out in a few hours in the morning to run around and then back into their pen.  The basement is going to need a massive cleaning job after this.  It's a cement floor.  Yes, it's not pretty. Thank goodness for Sweet PDZ.
The train is moving!! Lots of work to get it totally finished but we are finally making notable progress.

What it looks like from our driveway/house.
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Wow! It's looking great. You should have some very happy chickens. I hope you're planning on using hardware cloth. It's pricey but
much stronger than chicken wire.
Update: Wow, wow, has this taken me longer than I would have ever guessed. We picked up our chicks in March. It is now
July and we are not finished yet. The now hens are laying eggs.... at least one of the girls is. And it is pretty obvious that we have all hens (6) yay!.
Here are recent photos....

This is the run door I just hung yesterday. Going to start building the house door today.I need about 100' more wire to complete the run.
I've hung about 70' of wire so far.


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