Hens having a Cxxx, er, I mean "Rooster" Fight when moved


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
East Central Illinois
Just expanded the hen's dog-kennel chain linked enclosure from 10x10 to 10x20. Sooo, it was time to take my 7 RIR girls (they're over one year old now) from the "stall in the barn coop" to the outside world, again. After chasing them all of the 12 x 16 stall, I get the last hen into the 'kennel' and I see my two toughest hens having a roosterish fight, heads raised up high, beaks down, neck feathers out, and circling each other before the "attack.," JUST LIKE..you know! It only lasted a few minutes, #2 submitted, and then all was well. Anybody have any clue why this happend? They seemed to be pretty calm in the stall all winter.
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Sure do! It's because they got a new home, and the pecking order has to be established again. Since they all know eachother, it should be too bad, and the pecking order should be decided real quick.

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