Hens more lovey when nearing time to lay?


May 10, 2016
Knoxville, TN
Once again, first time chicken Mom with questions. I have 2 EE bantam pullets, 20 weeks old this week, that are beginning to show signs such as the comb reddening and definitely squatting. They have both become very docile/lovey with me, sitting in my lap for treats, easily picked up and petted, following me onto the porch,all things they would have run from a week or two ago.

One of my roosters has also taken "great interest" in both these girls as they do their best to scream and run from! I've also noticed both of them puffing themselves up and generally looking almost uncomfortable.

Are these typical behaviors that are signalling that egg time may be soon?
If your cockbird (rooster) is showing interest in mating them, and he's a mature(over 12 months) well behaved bird ...then that is a sure sign laying is imminent. If male is a young cockerel, ti's a whole nother story.

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