hen's nostrils completely sealed shut


7 Years
Oct 1, 2015
Rhode Island Red hen, about two years old. For the past few months she's been very slow moving, unresponsive, sleeping most of the day and losing weight. I believe the problem is her nose/throat area, where the nostrils are completely clogged shut such that barely a wheeze can get in or out at all. She breathes through her beak most of the time, but when she's sleeping she makes a whistling noise, and doesn't sound very comfortable. For the past few days I've had her in a small open box indoors that she could easily hop out of, but she's so low on energy she just does nothing but stand in it all day.
I've tried cleaning out her nose but to no avail, warm water and napkins didn't work. I don't want to try anything more precise for fear of pushing something farther up her nose and making it worse. And it seems so stuck in there, almost like her nostrils have swollen/sealed over themselves.

Any idea what this might be? Or just tips/products for cleaning out a stuffy nose? Thanks.
Can you please post photos of her nostrils, the inside of her beak, her poop and of her?

To clean nostrils, apply 1 drop of Hydrogen Peroxide to the debris, let it absorb for a few minutes, then take a plastic pick (like a flosser) or an orange stick (manicure stick) and pick away debris. Repeat. You may need to do this over several days to work out the plug.

Is she able to eat and drink on her own?
When was her last egg?
Crop emptying?
Has she had respiratory illness?

Can you please post photos of her nostrils, the inside of her beak, her poop and of her?

To clean nostrils, apply 1 drop of Hydrogen Peroxide to the debris, let it absorb for a few minutes, then take a plastic pick (like a flosser) or an orange stick (manicure stick) and pick away debris. Repeat. You may need to do this over several days to work out the plug.

Is she able to eat and drink on her own?
When was her last egg?
Crop emptying?
Has she had respiratory illness?

Thank you!
I couldn't get any pictures inside her beak unfortunately, but here's the other pictures:



She has a misshapen pupil, it's been like that since she was a chick and it never seemed to bother her or impair her vision.

And for your questions:
1. She eats and drinks perfectly fine, though in smaller portions than the other chickens. She also does so very slowly.
2. No eggs in quite a few months, though it's hard to say how her condition affects egg laying since it's winter and all the other hens have stopped laying for the season as well.
3. Crop functions are normal, emptying fine
4. Not that I'm aware of.
Did she suffer some type of injury to the side of her beak?
From your initial post, I was thinking she had a clogged nostril from food or mucous, but this looks very different from that.

Does she have any lesions or canker inside the beak?

It does look like the beak is damaged or has been injured. Has she rubbed it or injured it on fencing? I would follow the advice about cleaning the nostrils in post 2.
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Open her mouth and smell if there is a foul odor, also closely smell her nostrils for a foul odor.
What does the foul odor mean please .
My hen has weeping eyes, growths on her nostrils and she smells real bad around her face.

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