Hens not laying eggs?


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I have six hens and one rooster. He causes some feather damage to his favorite girls. That could be one reason their not laying but I’ve also been getting fairy eggs and soft eggs. They have oyester shell but they don’t seem to care for it unless I’m hand feeding it to them. I give them some of their egg shells sometimes. They love the shells. They are three years old. It hasn’t been hot hot lately. They don’t free range as I don’t have a fenced in yard and we have sky predators. They do have a fenced in area they have the coop in but not much grass just mulch. Is it their age? Sometimes I get lucky with 5-6 eggs and then most times it’s 0-3.
Mix the egg shells in with the oyster shells.
Molting season is nigh, could just be the normal slow down of laying as the light decreases.

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