Hens recovered from bloody poop, but will they ever lay again?

C&C Chickens

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 28, 2010
Bay Area
Last year we were having a problem with our 3 year old hens having blood in their poop but no other signs of illness at all except two of them stopped laying completely. I finally looked in the chicken health handbook, and based on what I read I think they had coccidiosis or some other parasite. The bloody poop finally resolved on its own, and as it was the fall and they were molting, plus winter was coming, we figured we wouldn't see any eggs until the spring. So it is now March and we've been waiting but still no eggs (our other three year old hen started laying again already). I was wondering if anyone knew if the infection damaged their egg-producing ability permanently, or whether they might ever lay again? We never gave them any medication, but I do now treat their water with Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, probiotics, and Ropa Complete Poultry additive (we rotate these supplements). Thanks in advance for any wisdom you have to share!
Have you de-wormed them lately? If they aren't laying then now would be the perfect time.
We've actually never dewormed them, I'm not sure if they have ever worms - never seen any signs. But that is a good suggestion.
If they have never been de-wormed then they have worms. I guarantee it. If their worm load is too heavy then that would definitely affect their laying,

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