Hens roosting outside and rooster question.


Feb 2, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I have 15 chickens. 4 golden laced Wyndottes, 4 Barred Rock (around 20 weeks old) 3 Buff Orpingtons (18 or 19 weeks) and 4 Leghorns (16 0r 17 weeks)

I went down to the coop a couple of nights ago, around 930 to get something I left down there and noticed 3 of the Wyndottes roosting on a 2x4 I have stretched across the run. The next night same thing, but a leghorn joined them. and again last night. I remember a few weeks back I went down there in the rain and there was some out there then too. I just figured they were trapped up there or something so I put them in the coop. I don't lock them up in the coop at night I leave the door open 24/7 except when I am cleaning in there'. The whole thing is pretty secure. 2x4 heavy gauge wire Over chicken wire, sides and top. and a 12"deep"12" wide trench dug around the whole thing, filled in with big heavy rocks then 1"clean gravel. Last night I covered the run with a tarp to keep It drier in there, I have 6" of wood chips On the ground In the run, except under the coop to keep the mud away.

Probably a lot of useless Info there But that's the background, Now my simple question.
Is it Ok for them to be roosting outside? or should I gather them up and put them inside.

My other question. By this age I would know if any of them were roosters, right?

I will get some pictures later. Raining right now
See any roosters?

There is the 2x4 they are roosting on

There is what the side looks like.

The 2x4" wire and chicken wire.

The front of the coop

I aimed a little low but the roosting bar is at the top of the photo.

I figured I would throw in the nesting box too. The one some of them are not using. 2 in the nesting box and 2 on the table so far today I am finding eggs on the floor and on the roosting table. How do I stop that? or will they eventually figure it out

That run is pretty secure, but a raccoon can reach through that fencing/wire. Any chicken it can reach is going to get pulled apart. Rats, weasels, martins, and minks can get in through that fencing. As for the rooster question, if you post individual pictures of them on the what breed/gender board you will get your answers. Be sure to include the age of the birds and a good, clear shot of the full body and a good comb shot of each.
Well I tried tonight to get good picts, but the barred rocks were all up in my face, making it pretty hard to get a good pict. with my cell phone ( not as smartphone) of all the chickens. If I go in the run they come right up me like they are mad at me I will sneak the wife's camera out and take some picts with that when I can. I am pretty busy for the next few days. well as matter of fact, everyday. But this is what I got so far.

I will try to get better pictures when I find time.
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From what I can see in the pictures, no one stands out as being an obvious cockerel. Males will have visible long, thin, shiny saddle feathers near the base of the tail by about 12 weeks old. By the time males are as old as your birds, they are obvious and have dramatically different feathering than females.
Well that sounds good then. Would the be crowing yet at this age if the were roosters? Also What about them roosting outside? Is that not such a good thing? Should I take the board away for awhile so they go in? I think i should...
Cockerels are usually crowing by 4 months old, but some don't start until they are 8 months or older. Roosting outside probably isn't the safest place for them to sleep. I, personally, would not want to go out to the coop in the morning to find the remains of a coon attack. It can be pretty gruesome.
I'd lower the roost in the coop a bit, might be kinda hard to get up and down from there...and your poop board will be more effective if the roost is closer to it..
How far from the wall is it?
Might need more ventilation in the coop also, it's hot where you live and that may be why they want to roost outside.
I don't get on PC much that's why there is a long gap in some of my replies.

I lowed the roost inside and took out the High one outside last night. I went down there at 9 and 2 were on the lower bar outside. Taking that out today.

As for ventilation, ( this picture was takin under construction.) Just below the roof I have a door that swings open to let air through and bird blocks in the rafters in both sides plus 2 open windows

The temperature Inside Is not much different then outside. We haven't had many Real super hot days, or nights here But if I think it needs more I have a screen door inside the doorway now, that I could put hardware cloth on and latch it if need be. But that will just be an easy way for varmints to get in there at night.

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