Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

It is yelling because you are larger than it. And doing something it doesn't understand andis scared. Power past the peeps of terror and you will both be fine and your wallet won't be lighter either.

The yells last a second really once they get past the "OMG what are you doing to me"
Gosh, I just don't want to hurt him in my ignorance. I could give a crap about my wallet. Fixing this baby correctly is my only concern.

But I will try again right now.
No worries, Celtic. I know you only want what is best for my gosling. I will only take baby to dvm IF he has experience. He is "the" dvm recommended by local poultry club and my dvms that see my dogs and horses. He is supposed to call me back when he is done with current client.

I did try to do the shoes. Have all the stuff sitting right here... cut out pieces of cardboard, vet wrap and tape. When I try to open foot too much, baby screams and pulls foot away and it freaks me out.
Poor Iain, I'm sure its just surprise! I've never actually hurt a baby spreading out clubbed feet. It is a big of a shock for them to have you messing with them, but It'll soon be forgotten, they won't hold it against you, once they discover you aren't trying to eat them.


I have two new buff dewlaps pips, and two little dewlaps still working away at it!
Gosh, I just don't want to hurt him in my ignorance. I could give a crap about my wallet. Fixing this baby correctly is my only concern.

But I will try again right now.

Poor Iain, I'm sure its just surprise! I've never actually hurt a baby spreading out clubbed feet. It is a big of a shock for them to have you messing with them, but It'll soon be forgotten, they won't hold it against you, once they discover you aren't trying to eat them.


I have two new buff dewlaps pips, and two little dewlaps still working away at it!
I just can't do it. The feet are stretching better but it looks like one leg may not be turned straight. Talked to the vet. LOTS of gosling experience so I have an appt in 90 minutes for my baby.

So help me, I will get this baby fixed!!!
Hope it all goes ok for your little baby Iain got everything crossed
for you both.

Good luck to everyone else who is hatching, its so interesting reading about it all not to mention exciting.

Catch you all tomorrow, bedtime for me
So I have returned from the vet with my baby girl (yes, dvm showed me how to vent sex). Vet was a doll and seemed to love my gosling. Was impressed with her spirit, gumption, and ability to already motor around on the ankles. The hips are good and straight and one leg looks good and the foot could resolve itself with physical therapy, but the other leg has already turned in and set at the ankle. She says when she first started out, she was aggressive in treatment methods and did the boots, hobbles, etc. But after 20 years experience treating this on all types of birds, including goslings, that she has learned it is better to not turnout the hip to uncurl feet. There are a few options (like boots or amputation/prosthetics) for treating the feet if problems arise as an adult, but not for the hips.

Treatment is to keep her in the brooder box I made with the uneven towel surface when unsupervised, as she has better balance that way and can right herself if she loses balance and rolls onto back. Daily swimming and massaging.

By the way, the screams I thought were from pain and not fear.... according to the vet, I was right.

Thanks for the support, all. Hayley, glad to see you pop over onto this thread.
It was a seriously messed up egg from day 1. It had a totally blown air cell and half the egg was fluid at hatch, even though it lost 16%. It is a testament to this baby's sheer willpower to live that she hatched at all (of course, it was an assisted hatch as she was malpositioned). Not sure if genetics, diet or rough shipping of eggs was the cause, and without any other related stock it is pretty much impossible to know for sure.

I have her in the big pen with the other three now. It is hard to tell she is crippled since she moves around almost as well as the rest.

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