Here's my McMurray surprise at 2 weeks old -- what is it?

Four Acre Bliss

11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
We assumed cockerel because they usually are, but this chick isn't particularly aggressive or noisy. More like assertive and quiet. It stands up for itself but doesn't bully anyone. Feathered feet, was grey to start but new feathers are coming in white.

So, boy or girl? Too early to tell? And what breed? Cochin? Brahma? Guesses? Thanks ...

Hmm, that's a thought I hadn't considered. The shape looks right ... I just checked McMurray and their page describes the Langshans as having bluish feet, though ... this chick has orange feet. Would the color change later on?
Perhaps a non-typical blue cochin?.....The little thing really doesnt have a langshan-ish face from the look of the picture. Sure is adorable, though.
The feet look to feathered for a langshan. Mine from MM had very little feathers and a couple didn't have any till they got older. Does look like a cochin though.

Here's what my black langshan chicks looked like.



Here's my cochin chicks.
Those long legs and body type plus the way the white color is coming in from a gray chick makes me think Langshan. The leg feathering is a bit heavy for hatchery stock so it could be a Cochin or you were lucky enough to get a better quality Langshan.
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Looking at the pics you posted, I'm leaning Langshan. His or her beak is much more similar to the Langshan pics, with the ridging and whatnot at the top ... the Cochins seem to have a plainer, smaller beak.

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