Here's our coop how would you winterize?


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2015

My husband calls it the "fortress", but we'll see how predator proof it is when winter hits. We worked some long hot summer days to get it done for the girls. Home to 8 hens: 2 Silver Laced Wyndottes, 2 Black Stars, 2 Americanas and 2 White Rocks.

The top coop area is a rectangle box enclosed on all sides with widows. The outside is hardware wire on all 4 sides. Our plan was to put the thicker plastic all the way around. My thought now might be to plexiglass the door and a few smaller sides and use the plastic for the bigger side that is all hardware cloth. We're in WI and it can get really cold. Will that be enough to keep the girls warm? Other thoughts for winterizing the coop? Thanks!!
Clear plastic tarp stapled, roped down, nailed and/or screwed down the the sides of your run will keep draft down and turn your run into a greenhouse when ever the sun is shining. On the coldest nights you can put a heating lamp with a red light bulb inside the coop to help keep it warm inside. Make sure the coop is well ventilated (not to ventilated though) and clean so your chickens won't have respiratory problems.

Hope this helped!
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I would also put clear plastic around the sides and would make sure they can stay warm by putting a heatlamp or something like that. Otherwise it looks like a pretty good coop.

Hope this helped and let me know if u have anymore questions.

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