Heritage Bantam Thread

It is with great sadness that I have to inform everyone that Robert (Bob) Blosl has passed away. Matt and I have both spoken with his wife Zora who is in total shock and completely devastated as the rest of us are. When I find out more information I will post it as this has just happened in the past couple of hours. I have become very close with Bob and he held a wealth of information and was more than willing to help anyone. He was the best cheerleader that the Rhode Island Reds EVER had. May he continue to cheer them on in Red Heaven.
May we do him proud and keep his legacy going strong, he wouldn't want/have it any other way

So sad to see that Bob has passed, he sure had a wealth of knowledge that he was willing to share with anyone that would listen. I hope his birds find good hands that cherish the history of their lines as much as he had.
I picked up some RC red bantams from somewhere 10 or 12 years ago and I swear Bob was more excited about them than I was..

When my wife saw the phone bill a month later She nearly moved my stuff out into the chicken house.. LOL We must of talked about red bantams and some of the great breeders like Paul Webb, Perrin Johnson, Ken Bowles and Gary Underwood every other day for a month or two..
Bob could light a fire in you like nobodies business!

I sure will miss talking chickens with Bob
I would like for everyone to know that I spoke with Bob's wife Zora for a few minutes today to check on her, see how she's doing and let her know about this memorial page for Bob. I told her about the numerous messages and calls I have received about people wanting to send her their prayers and positive thoughts. She is very grateful for everyone's kind words about Bob. It would be best to send cards to the address in Silverhill, Alabama if you would like to instead of calling. 14390 So Blvd
Silverhill, AL 36576
Their son is there and we still don't know anything about arrangements.
I am beating myself up(metaphorically), over his passing. He was certainly around before we got out of showing in 2006. But I never spoke with him. I did not know how much valuable information he had until a couple of months ago. I was looking forward to meeting him in a couple of weeks and discussing his breeding experiences over the years. But unfortunately I missed my opportunity.

Hopefully the threads he has going here are kept active. So much of his experience has been posted here.
I am sorry to hear that the world of Bantams has lost a great one. I did not know him and in fact this is my first post on this thread. I feel kind of selfish but I came to ask some questions about Delaware and Buttercup breeders and their whereabouts. I am interested in both breeds in Banty. Thank you and again I am sorry to hear of the loss.
We can perhaps kick the can down the road for a little while.
I have Delaware Bantams thanks to a recent gift from a wonderful Oklahoma breeder Don Gibson. The birds are this year's hatch and the hens have been laying for several weeks. I am currently hatching chicks under broody LF Wyandotte hens and have four that hatched yesterday and today. Normally I would not be hatching eggs this time of year, but got excited when the girls started laying well and the fertility was so high. The broody hens are seasoned mothers and will do a great job of raising healthy babies for me.
I posted a few photos early in the thread.

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