Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Hi Guys and Gals,
Know it's been a couple of months since I posted. Looking for some guidance. Seeking info on a quality Wyandotte breeder in PA. Birds must be known and gentle as a 7 yr. old boy will help care for them. Color not important yet. Need rosecomb ( is there any other kind of comb in that breed). Thanks for your help!
Hi Guys and Gals,
Know it's been a couple of months since I posted. Looking for some guidance. Seeking info on a quality Wyandotte breeder in PA. Birds must be known and gentle as a 7 yr. old boy will help care for them. Color not important yet. Need rosecomb ( is there any other kind of comb in that breed). Thanks for your help!
I'm curious, Are you switching over from Sussex to Wyandottes because of the rose comb (less frostbite?) Just an observation, I've seen that the wattles on rose comb breeds are usually quite large and also prone to freezing. Any chance you would consider a pea combed breed instead? Such as a Buckeye? Their combs and wattles are very small, but not as small as a walnut combed Chantecler . Where we are, I prefer the pea comb- enough comb to help cool them in the hot summer months but small enough not to freeze. Depending on where you are in PA, a pea or walnut combed breed might be another option.
USCGC Harriet Lane on site in Haiti!! Hi, if anyone asks you if we have rescue assets in Haiti, you can tell them the 1st US rescue asset to arrive was the 270 ft. medium endurance cutter USCGC Harriet Lane which arrived in Haiti 6 hours after the storm after driving thru 20 ft. waves. Our son IT 3rd Class Owen Tewart is on the Harriet Lane. We just heard from him and are so glad our rescue warrior is safe. I doubt he has ever seen devastation like what has occurred in Haiti.
Haiti is... truely a troubled country. DH travel there many years ago, in the early '80's, to replant thousands of trees. All cut down before maturing.....one disaster after another..

Glad your son arrived safely to assist.
Quote: Holy crap--are these your boys Wisher????? Dang I missed the boat!!!

Thanks, Arielle! I sure love them, they never fail to make me smile. Everybody loves this pic. It was taken last year and it is of the spring cockerels at about 7 months old. That is the age they look their best, but they are holding their looks more and more each year. I sure enjoy working with them, even if I never win more than BB or BV at the shows.
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Hi Guys and Gals,
 Know it's been a couple of months since I posted. Looking for some guidance. Seeking info on a quality Wyandotte breeder in PA.  Birds must be known and gentle as a 7 yr. old boy will help care for them. Color not important yet. Need rosecomb ( is there any other kind of comb in that breed). Thanks for your help!

Hi 3river don't know if you are still looking but there is nittany wyandottes in state college.http://nittanywyandottes.weebly.com/
I'm curious, Are you switching over from Sussex to Wyandottes because of the rose comb (less frostbite?) Just an observation, I've seen that the wattles on rose comb breeds are usually quite large and also prone to freezing. Any chance you would consider a pea combed breed instead? Such as a Buckeye? Their combs and wattles are very small, but not as small as a walnut combed Chantecler . Where we are, I prefer the pea comb- enough comb to help cool them in the hot summer months but small enough not to freeze. Depending on where you are in PA, a pea or walnut combed breed might be another option.
no, I am looking to help a 7 yr. old who is looking to get started in the breed. Thanks for the Nittany Dotte URL I will send it to them.
Karen ( waiting on my LF white Chanteclers next Aug.)
Honestly, I thought long and had about the Buckeye. But I really don't want to breed a brown breed which needs color balancing. I would rather use a White breed and concentrate on breed type instead. Plus I love the eWh based varieties. It just makes things so much easier. White Chanties just meet all my wants and needs. In addition to just being plain stunning birds.
However, i think i wll breed a less long tail onmy birds. Some of the tails seem overly long to me. I would rather just breed the longer body instead. And more depth of breast and body. frankly, I think a LF White Chantecler hen profile should look like my avatar but with a head showing distinct , but not overt , Cornish heritage.
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Regarding hoping someone can help me with this clarification on male White Chantecler breed type:
Go to:
scroll down to:
Chantecler Chicken History
by Hans L. Schippers
3rd pic ( Chantie hen) see that's a Sussex profile.
Now check out APA SOP Sussex hen:
Except for thr noticable Cormish influence in the head of the Chantie hen, they are th same.
So I think if I keep looking for that Sussex profile in my Chantie hens and
look for the Chantie profile in the cocks, I should be good.
The one thing I cannot figure out is the angle of the back
in the different breeds.
it has me confounded and if anyone knows the answer I
would love to hear it because I can't find it.
The back on the Sussex male is level. The back on the Chantie male is angled.
Both sire hens with level backs. How can this be?
The only difference I can see is the size of the tail. Does the longer length
of the Chantie male tail have to do with creating more angle in the back?
I know the higher the elevation on the tail the shorter the back. But both breeds
are meant to have long backs. it's a conundrum.
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