Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

$30 worth of eggs (18) down the drain and all I got was a crossbred chick that I sold for $4. Test of the season resulted in 3 quality Light Sussex pullets. Out of about 35 eggs set all season.
I'm looking forward to next year.
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I hear ya. I'm looking ahead to next year as well.

SO happy for you about your son. 3 years is a long time. Is he going career in the Coast Guard?
Hi dogsfly , I think he's going to be a career Coastie . he really enjoys his job in IT. right now he's based out of Portsmouth ,Virginia but next year he changes station and he's not quite sure where he wants to go either the northeast or San Diego probably . he spends a lot of time running around the Caribbean right now.
That's fantastic Karen. 20 years, a pension, and move on to other IT stuff. Smart man.

I'm sure you've always wanted to visit San Diego. Would be a fun trip in late January. I'm just sayin, a choice on colder weather or beach babes in winter...

Enjoy your time together. :)
My whole family on my side is in the San Diego area so it will be like old home week for me. Mom's going to be 100 next June and we're flying out for the party .she's in good shape for 99 years old. still does puzzles and things. Mentally sharp for 99.
Older son Brian is going on 14 years in the Navy .he's a Chief Petty Officer asst. navigator on a sub. he really enjoys the Navy. I get to see him more often. he's stationed on the East Coast so just about about 9 hour drive away.
Owen is about the same distance away in Portsmouth but he's out a lot on the boat. it's tough to find a time when our work schedules and his port time will sync.
For the first time in several years I hatched out more pullets than cockerels. I've already eaten most of the cockerels. The pullets look okay except most of them are small. Very small. And the smallest ones were sired by my largest cock. Grr. The size difference was evident from the day they hatched. His offspring were all smaller than the others by several grams when they came out of the hatcher, and they haven't caught up. This was his first year as a breeder. I think he is going to become stew before next year.

I do have a random chick from a broody hen who looks promising. I think it is a cockerel but it is too soon to tell. Basically I have a bunch of new egg-layers. And maybe one potential breeder pullet out of this year's batch.

Not the best year. Not the worst.
Eating more chikin.

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