Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

  1. schmooze
    gerund or present participle: schmoozing
    1. 1.​
      talk intimately and cozily; gossip.
      synonyms: talk, chat (up), converse, mingle, mix, hobnob, network;
      informalwork the room
      "the party will give you a chance to schmooze"

    No matter what language or where it's done... the principal is still the same.
    I don't red flag people nor do I run like Karen. Just not easily intimidated.
Thank goodness for that ! Nobody here wants to intimidate anyone, but we certainly do occasionally have different view points.l.
LOL yes thanks Vickie you posted while I was typing out mine and I agree Walt will tell just like the cow eats the cabbage for sure and I like that, and he has made me back up a time or three and regroup for a while.

What I like about Walt is you can take what he says seriously, but he does not take himself too seriously.

We are fortunate to have his insight. I have learned a lot.
What I like about Walt is you can take what he says seriously, but he does not take himself too seriously.

We are fortunate to have his insight. I have learned a lot.
Tunnel vision, anyone? I never mentioned any names...Merely stated my opinion, like everyone else.

I'm sure Walt's a great guy and a good poultry judge. I'm not one to extract a pint of blood from anyone...

I suspect Karen might need a transfusion. I also noticed the practice of law being derided...I suppose the gent. where

Karen was talking about might have been taking a kicking for being an attorney. Either way, she was ganged

and made fun of....by several fine folk. That's real sporting.
What I like about Walt is you can take what he says seriously, but he does not take himself too seriously.

We are fortunate to have his insight. I have learned a lot.
Mee too George I'm glad he keeps on coming back too he sure has moxie and I do appreciate him for being stubborn enough to put up with me much less anybody else LOL

The few judges that still come to BYC help a lot of people out. It's no wonder so many good breeders and so on don't come here now. How is a person supposed to know things unless they're told? Otherwise it's the blind leading the blind. I've had mine critiqued and didn't always like what I heard, but when I post and ask opinions, that's what I want. Not sugar coated "He's beautiful!" blah blah. Guess we're all different. This kind of drama is why I don't come to BYC much any more.

Exactly  (galanie)and we even have butted heads a little in the past too LOL but in the end we all are headed (or trying to) in the same direction and that guidance those judges give helps keep the wheels on track huh may make it a bumpier ride for a spell but it smooths out sooner enough.

LOL Jeff! I completely forgot but we did butt heads once. I don't even remember what it was but I was likely wrong lol.
Tunnel vision, anyone? I never mentioned any names...Merely stated my opinion, like everyone else.

I'm sure Walt's a great guy and a good poultry judge. I'm not one to extract a pint of blood from anyone...

I suspect Karen might need a transfusion. I also noticed the practice of law being derided...I suppose the gent. where

Karen was talking about might have been taking a kicking for being an attorney. Either way, she was ganged

and made fun of....by several fine folk. That's real sporting.
I think if you re read my post, you will find no mention of you or references to you. You are making a connection that is not there. I can see why in the context why you might assume so, and it is hard to see the whole picture when you are having tunnel vision.

I also did not notice Karen being made fun of. I remember comments about a bird, and a business, but not Karen. I think everyone here thinks a lot of Karen.
Tunnel vision, anyone? I never mentioned any names...Merely stated my opinion, like everyone else.

I'm sure Walt's a great guy and a good poultry judge. I'm not one to extract a pint of blood from anyone...

I suspect Karen might need a transfusion. I also noticed the practice of law being derided...I suppose the gent. where

Karen was talking about might have been taking a kicking for being an attorney. Either way, she was ganged

and made fun of....by several fine folk. That's real sporting.
I never saw Karen being made fun of either.We all like Karen, who does a tremendous amount of research. Karen has a copious amount of book learning, but very little experience in actually breeding poultry, which does not follow the rules like in other species.It takes a long time to realize that.Without really good mentors years ago, who told me to throw out a bunch of theories, and just breed birds, I'd probably be there still too.
 I think if you re read my post, you will find no mention of you or references to you. You are making a connection that is not there. I can see why in the context why you might assume so, and it is hard to see the whole picture when you are having tunnel vision.

 I also did not notice Karen being made fun of. I remember comments about a bird, and a business, but not Karen. I think everyone here thinks a lot of Karen.

I never saw Karen being made fun of either.We all like Karen, who does a tremendous amount of research. Karen has a copious amount of book learning, but very little experience in actually breeding poultry, which does not follow the rules like in other species.It takes a long time to realize that.Without really good mentors years ago, who told me to throw out a bunch of theories, and just breed birds, I'd probably be there still too.

Me three.

And dragonlady is right on with the comments about breeding.

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