Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Hey! A question for those in the know with experience.
My hens have quit laying because of the bitter cold. They are using all their energy to keep warm. Right now they are getting Southern State All Grain Meat Maker at 20%. I was thinking of giving them some Turkey food at about 24 to 28 percent. Anyone else done this? Thinking to give the extra protein so they will start laying again.
Karen in frigid western PA, USA
Hey! A question for those in the know with experience.
My hens have quit laying because of the bitter cold. They are using all their energy to keep warm. Right now they are getting Southern State All Grain Meat Maker at 20%. I was thinking of giving them some Turkey food at about 24 to 28 percent. Anyone else done this? Thinking to give the extra protein so they will start laying again.
Karen in frigid western PA, USA

More protein will not make the days longer or nights warmer. Patience would be a better cure.
Here are a few pics of my Buckeye they are not great, but I am suppose to have some done this week hopefully.

These are the same cockerel his comb is a little large but I am hoping with the hen I will get some smaller combs.

This is my #1 pullet the light does not do her color justice. But I could not get the other pullet out of the food dish. lol
Hey! A question for those in the know with experience.
My hens have quit laying because of the bitter cold. They are using all their energy to keep warm. Right now they are getting Southern State All Grain Meat Maker at 20%. I was thinking of giving them some Turkey food at about 24 to 28 percent. Anyone else done this? Thinking to give the extra protein so they will start laying again.
Karen in frigid western PA, USA
Egg laying is affected by the length of daylight a hen has and her age. 14 hrs is optmal. I have a light on a timmer for mine. It comes on early in the morning and also another in their wired area where I keep food and water.The corn or scratch (which I prefer )is given just before nightfall. It gives them a crop full to digest at night and gives a bit of warmth. Too much protein can damage their kidneys. 16-20 percent is good. I also give mine greens that I grow in a box in the winter. The vitamins in the greens help to keep them healthy and the yolks darker. They love them. Too much of a good thing can be bad either with fats or proteins. Too fat a hen has trouble laying. good luck with your flock

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