Heritage RIR vs production RIR

I really like Cackle Hatchery, most all the chickens I get from them are great layers. I have some of their White Rocks, I don't know much about the APA standard on them but I think they look pretty good myself. If the weather holds and doen't rain tomorrow I'm going to tryt to get pictures of them and get them posted if I can figure it all out.
Hey Mr .Blos you told me that my chickens aren't true Heritage RIR'S . Is this one just curious. It's 6 months old.
Most all hatchery stock are good layers. Problem is that they "blow out," after a couple years commonly.

I've never bought a chicken from a big name hatchery. All chickens come from a hatchery. You guys keep talking hatchery. Why? They all have to hatch some where. Just answer my ? Is this a true heritage RIR. It's 6 months old 4th generation. To me it fits yall's description. If not tell me why thanks.

I give over to you. I really don't have a problem with hatchery.

Hatchery: A place where they hatch out millions of chickens a year and sell them to the public. See why they can not produce everything that is SQ.

Private Breeder: Fancy name for someone that hatches out chicken (whatever other species) disguised but a hatchery. Claim to breed only SQ (show quality). Don't get me wrong I'm not downing private breeders but I don't think 100% is SQ.

ETA: I think your rooster looks fine, if you are happy with him use him.​
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I give over to you. I really don't have a problem with hatchery.

Hatchery: A place where they hatch out millions of chickens a year and sell them to the public. See why they can not produce everything that is SQ.

Private Breeder: Fancy name for someone that hatches out chicken (whatever other species) disguised but a hatchery. Claim to breed only SQ (show quality). Don't get me wrong I'm not downing private breeders but I don't think 100% is SQ.

Ok , Its just I keep reading hatchery birds. To me anybody that hatches a bird has a hatchery correct. I ran across this bird & he says its a true heritage RIR. From reading here its dang near impossible to have one. I have never figured out why. Again, does the bird I pictured a true RIR. If not tell me why?
All chickens do not come from a hatchery. Some birds are bred towards the standard by breeders who look to continue with the breed standards.

7L, the photo is difficult to tell his conformation from because it's taken in the dark and at a harsh angle, but just looking at this photo alone:
His color is too light and varies too much, his body is not as stocky as a SQ Rhode Island Red bred for conformation.

To me, the thread is not putting down hatchery birds but is instead, distinguishing the differences between the two. If a person is not interested in keeping heritage Rhode Island Reds bred towards the standard, then by all means, hatchery birds are the way to go. I enjoyed my hatchery Rhode Island Red's personalities and their laying abilities. The heritage ones are much darker and have a good temperament as well. My females also tended to be much more prone to broodiness as well. It's all in what you are personally after in your flock.
Whereas my biggest disappointment with Rhode Island Reds is their lack of breeding for production. You can get either general hatchery birds that don't seem to be selected for any qualities at all other than looking more or less correct or you can get show birds that are very pretty but lay poorly and take forever to grow. Rhode Island Reds USED to be one of the bedrock commercial birds of the United States. It's what made them famous in the first place.

They seem to have entirely disappeared now unless you could somehow get access to the breeder flocks used to produce the commercial Red Sex Links the commercial operations buy. Those birds may still be pretty good, but I've never found a source of them. I'd accept a somewhat reduced lay rate so long as they would breed true and still lay better than the general hatchery birds and the beauty queens. Most of the people I know who keep chickens want them for their practical qualities.

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