he's got me shaking in my boots! NOT NO MORE!

OH girl what are you waiting on put the kill on that Rooster, I can't imagine what I would do if a Rooster did that to one of my boys. Maybe get your husband to do it for you, if that's what's holding you back!
yep 2 actually one is only 2 1/2-3ft the other about 7 here he is


Ummmm, gator?
that is one cute kid, rooster needs to go to the pot for dinner. tell grandma that kid come first I am so glad that my rooster is calm. I have a bantam roo and caught him with my hen that is part JG so a bantam can get the job done with standard hens.....they find a away.
Every leghorn I've ever had has been mean as can be. I've had some bad luck with rhode island reds as well. I've had a few buff orphingtons and they have always been laid back and never agressive.

Grandma is coming around, when I posted DD pic on facebook and EVERYONE asked when I making soup they'll come over to help me eat it! she kind of realised that she was in the wrong mind. My uncle wants me to start some Stone soup (I got the chicken). He's going this weekend when it's a tad warmer here in WI. and yes I got more roos. I got 2- 11 month olds bantums one doesn't know he's a roo (doesn't even crow) and the silkie who attacks every so often can't jump higher than my ankle. When he takes after one of the kids they know to just kick and he backs down. that EE is just to big from my kids. heck he's too big for me. + I got 5 week olds that I don't know a him from a her (except 2 I know r roos). and 1 week olds AND my order of RIR and brown Leghorns came in. so I got roos, just hoping at least one will be good.

and you from TX - you gonna fly here to help or what?

I have no problem butchering a chicken.... but MY part is the cutting up. we got a whole process and I would rather not be the one to chop
gotta get us one of those cones!
Oh that photo of your 2 year old made me cringe.
I MIGHT put up with animals to try and teach them the "right" way; but if they have ever touched my children that was their last move.

Now that I am a grandmama I am still of the same opinion. Children are first, their safety is paramount.
It is finished! He is spending his time in freezer camp. It's a sad day, he was my only EE roo. I wish he was nice. well I guess I do have younger roos, we hatched some of our own...... so I'm hoping they take after Mommy and NOT daddy
EEEK!!! I SMELL TROUBLE! I don't know much about roo's but people have been posting in here that they have had major trouble with RIR's and Leghorns especially!!! Just warning you, be careful!

Should have gone with some buff orpington roo's, PROTECT THE CHILDREN LOL!
and Sorry for what happened to your daughter, hope shes okay now!
Glad to hear grandma is rethinking her position!!! Poor little girl, that mustve been traumatic, think about it, for us it would be like being attacked by a 100lb rooster! So glad no gators here, just mt. lions.

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