Hey y'all!


10 Years
Sep 1, 2010
Albion, Wisconsin
It's been a while since since I posted...like 3 or more years I think, lol, so I decided to stop by and say hi and reintroduce myself. Rest assured, I'm still a complete and total Crazy Chicken Lady!:lol:

Well, I've had chickens on and off for over 30 years and currently own a mixed flock of 16 chickens and 2 ducks. I currently have Buff Plymouth Rocks, Langshens, Red Sexlinks, Turkens (best breed ever!), and a Silkie Rooster, Spike, as well as two little Silkie/Sex Link pullets, Hennifer and Becky.
As for the ducks, well, they were TSC clearance ducks from last year and ended up being a female Pekin and a male Rouen. Steve and Steve's Friend, bob. (Yes, bob as a verb because she bobs in her pool ;) ).
While I know chickens, the ducks are new to me and so far I adore my ducks. (Over my chickens but don't tell the Girls that!)

I used to show chickens and have had many different breeds over the years but Turkens and Plymouth Rocks are probably my favorite. I especially like Buff Plymouth Rocks. I also raised Midget White turkeys for the freezer one year as well incubating and hatching quail eggs for fun one year.

As far as other critters go, I have three of my own cats, 4 dogs and 4 not my cats that migrate back and forth from the dairy next door to us. They keep the rodent population down so I pay bribery.... I mean homage to them in the form of canned cat food.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read this! Cheer!
:yesss: :welcome :yesss:
Miss Piggy Sue says, “Welcome to our eggcelent flock here at BYC!”


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