Hi All! New here with a question about an odd sound my hen is making

And the verdict is.........

Hen! We got our first egg from her on 8/2. A day or two before that, when I reached for her, she squatted, although I think only when I took her off-guard. I think she is resisting me being the alpha or the rooster :) Then that afternoon, while her and the other two were free-ranging, she was making some weird sounds, so I put them all back in the run and she immediately when to the nest box in the coop and laid her egg.

The day before that, Gerrilynn, our Barred Plymouth Rock, laid her first one (in the nest box as well, hooray!) Now we just need to get Bubbles to catch up.

But now I have a new problem. I've got to figure out how to feed my hens laying feed and my chicks grower......hmmm....
Oh, P.S. She still makes that odd sound, but maybe not quite as much
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