Hi All, newbie here from Northern Michigan hoping for some help.


Jun 4, 2015
Northern Michigan
I was searching the internet trying to find laying hens and I came across this site and thought I would join.

I'm in Norhern Michigan, (below the bridge). Still trying to finish up our Chicken Tractor and getting the garden planted. I had no luck on C/L looking for laying hens and was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction.

I am not picky on the breed, would like to start with maybe 2 layers of brown eggs, 2 layers of white eggs and 2 layers of those pretty light blue eggs. I kinda was thinking maybe getting 2 adults already laying, maybe 2 pellets and maybe 2 chicks.

I could really use some advice on if this is ok to have the different breeds/birds/ages in the same coup/run?

Thank you and glad to have found this site!!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Eventually all your birds could be together but, the mature ones will pick on the babies and younger birds. You really have to follow an integration program to get them all on board without bloodshed. Mainly the young chicks, should be nearly the size of the adult birds, before you even attempt to allow them together.

Go to your own state thread, you will possibly find some birds for sale there!
Yes, like mountain peeps said, or, you can just type in the state in the search bar. Have fun! And thank you for the compliment. :)

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