Hi from a Newbie from Ontario Canada


Sorry for your losses :hugs Have you checked around the base of the coop to see if there is any place where something could have come in or dug their way in?

It's nice to have you here
Thanks for your response
Nothing can dig it's way in as the coop sits on a cement pad with no gaps at the bottom. Steel roof - again no signs of gaps. I have checked and don't see any signs of something trying to get in. I've checked inside and don't see any evidence of rodents or snakes.
Check to see if anything dug in there. Is the top covered where a hawk couldn't get in there? Can you set up a camera for night time to see if anything try's to come back for your other hen's?

Thanks for your response - coop is 3 years old with a solid metal roof & sofits, siding walls and cement base - I've checked & can't find any evidence of something getting in. I don't have a remote night camera but will check into getting one.
I'm so upset - Did I do something wrong? Is there something I should have done but didn't? Anyone have any advice for me?
I have similar questions as fldiver97. How old were the new chickens and where did they come from? Did your original 3 come with the coop?

Quarantine is an important factor that many people overlook, though many times it's the new birds that bring an unseen illness and infect the current flock. But there could be something on your property that your original birds have acquired immunity to but your new gals didn't. So, it's possible your first birds could have become carriers of "something," but just as likely that your new girls were already sick and died from that.

The best way to find the cause of a mysterious death is to have a necropsy done. If you've kept the body refrigerated (not frozen) you could get one done by the next day. I'm not sure about Canada, but most states have labs you can ship to overnight or drop off.

I am really sorry all that has happened to you.
Loss is unfortunately just part of chicken keeping and one of the many ways we learn to be better caretakers along the way... not a hobby for the faint of heart. Whenever I'm ready to add to my flock, I always purchase day old chicks from a hatchery/feed store... they're just far less likely to have been exposed to any diseases so quarantine is usually unnecessary.


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