Hi yell! I'm new.

Yes they blend well. Ameraucanas will give you green eggs. Wyandottes come in several colors. Columbian, Gold laced, silver laced, White, Buff, Partridge, and Silvered Penciled.
Both will do fine in your area.
Anyone have faverolles? They're pretty cute and I've read they're docile. How are they in the cold?
Yeah sorry. I had looked through them but I must have skipped a portion of the pdf on my phone as I didn't see anything about the faverolles but when I went back and scrolled slower I found them.
I definitely don't want to do this half assed which is why I'm researching like crazy.

Can anyone tell me what Easter Eggers and wyandottes are like? My local farm has those too and their description says they're good in cold. Will they blend well with a mixed flock? Also just saw they have faverolles.

I have both of those, as well as the Barred Rocks and Black Australorp, and even a Cochin/Silkie mix. They all get along great! We did have to get rid of a BA cockerel that wasn't allowing us to integrate some new little ones, but I'll tell ya from experience whatever you buy and bring home on the same day as your first flock will do better than you expect. I bought 4 different types from two different farms at a swap on the same day. It's like pushing the reset button on any pecking order they've already set. Being in new surroundings they get used to each other and grow up together with minimal fuss. My first group that I got just this May consisted of a 1 1/2 year old EE roo, 4 8 week olds and 2 5 week olds. (eta: and they're a close knit group. I even have a hard time figuring out who the top hen is, as they don't pick on each other much.)
Best wishes!
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Can anyone tell me what Easter Eggers and wyandottes are like? My local farm has those too and their description says they're good in cold. Will they blend well with a mixed flock? Also just saw they have faverolles.
Both of these breeds are cold hardy and will usually blend in fine with a flock. I currently have 7 EEs in a mixed flock and have had no problems with them. They are my granddaughter's favorite as she loves the colored eggs. I've had Silver Laced Wyandottes in the past and usually had no problem with them, although a couple of times, I had Wyandotte hens that were aggressive enough that I ended up culling them out of the flock. You can read more details on the temperament of these birds in Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart at http://www.sagehenfarmlodi.com/chooks/chooks.html#a
Thank you all so much. My husband is looking to start my coop in the next week or so. He's hoping to be totally done mid August. I'm so happy

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