High Altitude Meat Birds

I live above 6000' in Northern NM and have purchased Cornish X from Welp the last 2 years and have had no problems with the 75+ birds I raised. They all grew well and dressed out great. My last batch I had to keep for 12 weeks and they still made it through. I kept them on Welp's suggested diet of 12 hours feed 12 hours with no feed. When they were feathered out it was a lot easier to do because I would leave the feeder out in the run so they wouldn't want to eat when it was dark. In the brooder though you have to take the feed out or they'll end up sleeping with their heads in the feeder still trying to eat.I did notice that they needed some shady spots during the hot days. I would spray them with the hose when they needed it, which was fun watching them try to run away. I don't see a problem raising them where you are, just make sure to manage their feed. That was my experience with the cornish X anyways, and they are some great tasting birds also.
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10KChickens - We're a bit east of you at 9,200ft. This is our first year raising chickens (primarily for eggs). I've ordered Wyandottes, Brahma, and Speckled Sussex. Have you had any experience with any of those or do you have any recommendations for our area? Thanks for any advice you can give.
I'm at 6500' and doing my first batch of Red Rangers. I've had 3 die but 2 of those were smothered by the others. I've only had one die I wasn't sure why, it may have been flip over. Since they have been moved to their larger outdoor enclosure they are happy chickens. I can't wait to see what they dress out at. 3.5 more weeks!
Howdy. I know I'm late to the party, but we got 27 Freedom Rangers last year. We're at 8,600 ft asl. All but nine died. Nothing negative to say about the Freedom Ranger hatchery. They were great. The birds just couldn't take the elevation. After reading this thread, I think I'm going to get some of those Cornish slow growers.
This season I raised a dozen Slow Cornish Broilers from Privett Hatchery in New Mexico.
I'm at 10,000 feet here in Colorado and all 12 made it to the freezer after approx. 12 weeks...all at or above 4lbs dressed.
Next season I plan on trying the Cornish Roaster from McMurray as they claim the roaster is a slow grower...we'll see.

I really want to try the Cornish X Rock...just to see what happens, if (with effort) they can make it...but everything I've read points to failure.

I'll try to keep this post updated with results (I plan on running the birds in a very controlled setup in order to record results and narrow down the best breed for my altitude)

Good luck with your efforts and keep us posted
Please keep us posted as I live close to 8000 her SLV colorado. We want to do meat birds next. Which dbreed at this time do you recommend?

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