High protein feed


14 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Levelland, Texas
So I have a feather pecking/eating problem, and I was told to feed more protein. Right now I feed Layena and corn and sorguhm, I have mainly layers. What can I feed them that has more protein?
Feed them eggs or meat. Make sure to cook it first. Do not feed raw eggs, it can cause the chickens to start breaking the eggs. Make sure your birds are not overcrowded
Yah they are overcrowded, I have sold a few, but If I can't get rid of 6 more roosters, I guess they will go to freezer camp. I don't mind that, but It sure is alot of work by yourself!!!
It sounds like protien is probably not your problem. It is the overcrowding.

I have processed birds into the freezer by myself. 6 is a lot to do alone, but it you split it out, and just do 2 a day, it is easier. I do not pluck my birds, we eat the meat skinless anyway, so that makes processing easier. I also don't gut them. I just cut all the usable meat from the carcass, then give the rest to the dogs and cats. It makes the whole culling process quicker and less messy.
Over overcrowded, low protein feed, and the type of protein can all start feather eating.

If you are feeding a feed that is all soy based protein you may try adding some animal protein to there diet chickens are omnivore and need some type of animal protein in there diet.

If you are mixing the corn and sorguhm with your feed you should stop feeding that. You are diluting the protien in the feed.
i have use kent feed and i have to say I LOVE THEM. i use to use purina base feeds and all i can say is yuck!! i had problems with sick birds ,feather eating,ect. they had room they had all the feed i could give them ect. since i switch they are happier and so am i . it cost a little more but we found it pays.they dont eat as much and the eggs are great i get 35+ a day (40 hens) AND NO PROBLEMS
When my chickens lose feathers to molting, I mix in chick starter with their layer at a 50/50 ratio. It is 24% protein. It helps them recover soon. It also makes their nails grow as well, so I have to trim their nails also.
I butchered roosters today with help from my cousin. I Found PenPals Egg maker balancer, it has 20% protein. Has anyone ever used this? I have 14 chickens in 64 sq feet. It is 4.57 ft / bird.

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